People across the Stirling area have joined forces with historians from around the world to fund the retrieval of a stone which is believed to date from between the 6th and 8th century.

The Rescuers of Old Kilmadock (Rook) discovered the Pictish artefact in Old Kilmadock cemetery in 2019.

Since then they have been working with Stirling Council archaeologist Dr Murray Cook, who said the stone had to initially be reburied in order to maintain its structural integrity.

He said: “The Rook team found the stone by accident and it soon became clear it could be something of international significance, with engravings of animals in the Pictish tradition and what appear to be examples of Ogham script, a form of Irish writing that’s rarely found in Scotland.

A campaign to fund the retrieval of the stone had so far raised £10,000, which will go towards funding both the excavation and storage of the stone for a further two years.

It will also allow for an in-depth examination of the script and engravings which appear on both sides of the stone.

It’s believed the stone dates from around the period of the Battle of Dun Nechtain in 685, when the Picts expelled the invading Northumbrians from the south and paved the way for the creation of Alba and, ultimately, Scotland.