Source? What is the percentage of trolls that were even chased and successfully denonymized?
Source? What is the percentage of trolls that were even chased and successfully denonymized?
This is like the worst example possible, considering Aaron himself was rich, which should tell you the obvious, that being rich was never a sole differentiator.
But that might be too disruptive to the current echo chamber.
Fun Fact: Rust didn’t always support leading pipes (which are optional), not even at v1.
Unless I’m hallucinating memories, the support was added with influence from Haskell.
Signal has been questionable for years. The way it’s been pushed hardly, and how Moxie is emeritus, while much more questionable people are in control, doesn’t fill one with confidence, and does ring some alarm bells. The relative proximity to some in the US establishment should be enough to do that. And the way some have been designating anyone who questions Signal as “Russian Propaganda” and immediately deflecting about how Telegram is bad, is even more curious.
Frankly, I would trust something like Wire more than Signal. And there are other options too.
Ideally, something with good security/privacy and is fully P2P would become popular. But those apps/networks never make it mainstream, which is unfortunate.