If we got a Gyroscope on Xbox, then all major controllers would have it - allowing for the possibility of cross platform games where people can use gyro ironsights to aim. That would be awesome.
If we got a Gyroscope on Xbox, then all major controllers would have it - allowing for the possibility of cross platform games where people can use gyro ironsights to aim. That would be awesome.
Common misconception. None of them want war. They want to show up, intimidate people into surrender, and fight no one. They’re dogs barking through a fence that blindly ignore the open gate.
Hence why all the mass firings were by email. Hence why Trump has twice caved to Canada and Mexico on tariffs. Hence why ICE has failed to force either Illinois or Boston to cooperate with their raids.
I understand the reasons people feel they have to be afraid, but miss that all of the fear is on the other foot.
There was a great video where someone dismantled an ultra-aggressive “we’re gonna destroy you liberals” claim video. He basically said “No, I know you’re not going to do that. Because you said it into a camera.”
Those couple weeks were in fighting for their lives against Nazis. In heat of battle, anyone can form a brand new relationship sooner than that.
You’ve renewed my idea for setting up a Discord server that literally bans zero-effort Twitch style chat messages. Each time someone hits enter, they must be conveying a human thought. Exceptions provided for reactions, which are a specific feature, but that’s it.
To be very clear here, my outrage is not at being pranked with a rick roll. I’d be fine with decent politicians doing that on most days. It’s specifically with reversed courses on transparency regarding circumstantial evidence that the president was involved in sexual assault.
Obama gave out his birth certificate. Bernie Sanders shows his tax returns. The Republican Party is a team of liars that shares nothing.
I don’t know if this is the priority for many other users, but Epic Games is 40% owned by Tencent, a Chinese corporation. That in itself is an inappropriate level of CCP influence to me - sadly, Chinese companies don’t really get to divest themselves of government influence the way American corps do.
(That said, with Google changing the Gulf of Mexico’s name, I feel less sure of that last claim)
The world has gone too long without game developers returning criticism to fans. Some game devs don’t serve their fans well and deserve a blasting, but that’s generally a minority. Most of the time, gamers in online spaces are the same sort of Karen at the register saying “The customer is always right” every single day, and they‘ve needed to take a step back for a long time.
Corollary: I play an online game that’s full of glitches. I’m upset at the dev about it, but also patient because I know programming is hard, and I’m sure they get frustrated at those bugs too.
New Animaniacs lyrics (no really):
“The trolls will say we’re so passé but we were meta first!”
I don’t think anyone claims BlueSky is decentralized, just more fair about moderation. I’d probably be fine with using Twitter if Elon Musk hadn’t completely corrupted it.
It was far faster and easier to build up a feed of enjoyable content on BlueSky. My Mastodon feed has sat almost completely empty, and I’ve only been able to find a few news-reposters there.
And I’m tech-savvy. Imagine how it is for other social media users.
Every time some incel wants to start a conversation about DA:V, I just point them to Baldur’s Gate 3.
That game is inclusive and diverse, and also fucks - both in the “adult content” sense, disproving their myths about diversity somehow siding together with censorship, and in the quality sense.
The dramatic fall in writing has happened across the industry and should be no surprise to anyone.
You may want a more recent news update before you claim the judiciary has been responsive. Judge Tanya Chutkan, the same one who ruled against insurrection charges “because we don’t prosecute sitting presidents”, just blocked the multi-state lawsuit requesting DOGE be restrained.
Check out “Aquaria”. Not quite the same thing, but a Metroidvania playing as a mermaid with song powers. Lots of boss fights! And you can even breech the surface when you get there!
It’s definitely a distraction tactic, but at the very least looking at Google Maps and Bing Maps makes very clear to people which megacorps are riding the oligarchy; just in case anyone held hope their favorite “techbro revolutionary” might side with them. PS: Mapquest gets it right.
Man, I think my playthrough of N:A was absolutely ruined by the RPG mechanics. I was lategame trying to get to this rumored “amazing story”, and something about my numbers wasn’t adding up because even switching to easy mode it was taking AGES to beat the bosses.
So yeah, I’m not even generally a fan of soulslikes, but S:B’s action-based difficulty was definitely more to my tastes.
They have a much better design than the blue shell.
In Mario, the guy in 8th place sends a bomb into the ether, and sends the guy in 1st place to 5th…while the guy in 8th stays there.
In Sonic, the guy in 8th sends a swarm of hornets, essentially a minefield. The guy in first CAN evade them skillfully, but has the most to deal with. As more people hit some, others will have fewer. The whole crowd gets slowed just a bit (and the person who threw it is unaffected when they reach them)
Can I confirm whether this outage was affecting downloaded singleplayer games? I didn’t think that would be the case.
There’s an alternative, to make it popular with the American people. Republicans look bad to their constituents each time they vote against policies that would relieve the American people as a whole, such as net neutrality and healthcare for all.
Make some noise about it! Make it known that Democrats fight for everyone, and that a certain sect is very vocally rejecting that fight.
There’s a very good bill for achieving this result by a senator from my state, which requires companies to elect their board members through employees.
I’ve even wanted to bring up Valve in some recent political discussions on corporate governance. With the blatant exception of CSGO child-focused gambling, it is otherwise the “shining ideal” of a good company: They invented a product that people like and enjoy, maintain it well to please their customers, and pay their employees well without growing excessively or finding ways to cheat customers out of their money.