Rubin continued: “The engine is really great but it does require a lot of work and with that work comes a lot of bugs that other engines have already worked out.
“We’re not a shooter that’s been out for 20 years. If you like what we are trying to do stick around and you’ll see things improve and new features get added. But if the game isn’t for you that’s ok you can move on.”
The quote is a lot less aggressive sounding than the headline.
I mean, the article is just 70% quoting the guy’s tweet, it’s barely an article.
True, but people remember the headlines, so I wanted to make the actual quote slightly more visible.
Oh no, you’re correct there, it’s just sort of a shame that they took an otherwise pretty level tweet and then made the headline sound like he was being dismissive
I don’t understand his point. He’s saying the engine was not built for shooters, but wasn’t the engine first used in The Division? I would describe that as a shooter.