A report that dives into the good, the bad, and the distinctiveness of Brand Britain. After five changes of brand leader in eight years, not to mention all the events in between, how’s the brand looking? Does ‘Britishness’ still have that distinctive edge? And, what’s the impact, if any, that Brand Britain has on British brands?
Expert information, insight and analysis brought to you by British Chamber of Commerce x Ipsos x JKR.
I thought it was an interesting look at the perception of Britain in terms of ‘branding’ but let me know if it does not fit the community !
The website is just a front page for the report, which is actually a canvas project available here : https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTj0mFh2g/ioNSHMo4aGyOs6jwpgtgow/view?utm_content=DAGTj0mFh2g