my daughter seems to like scifi. We watched enders game, lost in space series (the new version), arrival, I am mother, and she liked them all. Can I get some more suggestions?

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 year ago
    • Moon
    • Event Horizon
    • Alien and Aliens
    • District 9
    • Solaris
    • The 5th Element
    • The Valerian
    • Blade Runner (both)
    • Back to the Future 1, 2 and 3
    • 2001: A Space Oddity
    • Silent Running
    • Fire in the Sky
    • A Scanner Darkly
    • Total Recall
    • Journey to the Center of the Earth
    • Planet of the Apes (all of them)
    • John Carter (more the books than the movie IMO)

    Some of these may be for when she’s a bit older, but I had seen most of these before I was 13 and nothing traumatized me. The genre has quite a bit of horror in it, just FYI.