Glassdoor has been here for years and is one of the reference sites to evaluate and review companies, specifically their work conditions in general and salary ranges in particular. Glassdoor also operates a job board, but it doesn’t enjoy the same reputation as it’s company review service.

So, what’s your opinion on Glassdoor? Did you ever had any experience with the company? And how do you rank it with regards to other job board services?

  • 🐱
    1 year ago

    I generally assume their ratings are gamed, especially for smaller shops. I know I’ve been asked recently (in the last year) to review the company I’m currently working at on glassdoor by a superior. As you can imagine, I gave the place a good review.

    A year later, they’ve laid me and all but 1 dev (the CEOs buddy) off and failed to do basic shit like send COBRA info and agreed upon severance payments, but their glassdoor doesn’t reflect that, because glassdoor doesn’t make it possible to edit reviews past 30 days. I suppose I could go delete the review at least

    1 year ago

    I have gotten a job through glassdoor. My first actually.

    It’s just a job posting site and most tech jobs go through an internal portal anyway.

    90% of any “easyapply” services on any job finding platform will do nothing at all

    As far as a company reviewer, it is a shitshow. I was looking for a job last year, tons of 2-4 star companies with fully mixed/negative feedback I was browsing again a few weeks ago and a lot of those companies have positions open. Almost every one of them were now “unreviewed” companies with 0 reviews. All of those reviews were purged.

    There are no companies (that I have been coming across in my field) in my country now that have below 3.5 stars. A company that I KNOW had 2.5 stars when I was looking for a job 2 years ago. They are a contracting company with a lot of temporary employees, mediocre salary, no progression, etc… All of the sudden it is 4 stars now.

    Not to mention that now in the app, clicking the “rating” tab no longer brings up company rating and reviews. It brings up the exact same information page as the company puts as their “about us” with founded, size, headquarters, etc…

    Glassdoor is not a company review site anymore. It is a mediocre job posting board.