Dave the Diver by far. If you told me a few months ago a pixel game about a fat dude scuba diving for fish to run a sushi restaurant would be my hands down game of the year, I’d have told you you’re off your rocker.
Just everything in the game is so slick and well done. I love the wacky aesthetics and sense of humor as well. It’s just a chill and enjoyable experience through and through. Now if you’ll excuse me there’s a narwhal I need to harpoon.
Dave is great! I love Dave. Also I like in general restaurant sims so it was a very easy sell for me XD
Single player: Balatro. With an honourable mention to Shapez2
Multiplayer: Helldivers 2. With an honourable mention to Space Marine 2
I’m going to say HellDivers 2 since the game is really fun!
I’m going to say Helldivers 2 because I love liberty.
Abiotic Factor. An absolutely amazing survival crafter. From someone who was sick and tired of survival crafters.
Metaphor Re:Fantazio
Just got to the second city and I think I’m hooked.
Helldivers 2
This game is just amazing! Cinematic, chaotic, cool! I spent hundreds of hours with it and it still doesn’t get boring
Twin-stick shooter against various bugs and robots with some ARPG gearing, and the action here is fantastically tight with probably three key factors:
- Enemies target you but hit each other, so you manage their attacks to help your fighting instead of just staying out of trouble.
- “Frenzy” orb pickups, which act a bit like combo meter fuel except instead of chaining hits you make frequent choices about whether an orb drop is worth chasing, keeping you close to danger.
- Instant gun switching with overheating instead of reloading, so you fight hard and switch constantly between your three guns to keep any one from overheating while getting the best out of their specific properties.
I play a lot of twin-stick and top-down shooters, and this does a great job mixing the arcade twin-stick feel of high intensity fending off a swarm with tactical top-down dungeon crawling elements, and it’s just really special feeling to play. The core action feels not just well designed but like it was made just for me, and I’m genuinely glad someone made it (or is making it, since it’s early access). Plus, it’s extraction style instead of being a roguelite, so you’re always right at the best action while still getting procedural levels, to keep runs a little different.
Not sure if I played anything released this year but I enjoyed the following
Tloz echos of wisdom
Disco Elysium
Half life 2
Streets of rage 4
The last campfire
Super Mario wonder
Vampire survivors
New game: Deadlock
Expansion/Update: FactorioNine Sols. Best metroidvania since ori will of the wisps.
Factorio’s space age expansion
Helldivers 2!
Timberborn, if early access counts. If not: Until Then