I’ve recently (finally) taken the leap into self-hosting my RSS reader, and I’m wondering what feeds everyone’s subscribed to

I’ve currently got some basics like Github releases for software I use, the great selfh.st blog for self-hosted news, hackaday, some essentials like xkcd, and an attempt at following new music releases from artists I like, but I’m sure there are other great feeds out there that I should also be aware of

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/26356680

  • rutrapio@jlai.lu
    10 days ago

    Only two so far. A followed a few french one, but they stopped or don’t match with what I want : (argentique2.2, Clement Blin, AnalogYou.

    Emulsive, more to keep tracks of past articles, and analog.cafe. On the site, some paywall, but via FreshRSS and ReadYou, I seem able to read the entire of the articles. I’ll take 35mmc, but if you find more, I’ll be interested :)