Today’s game is minecraft PS3 Edition. I dragged my PS3 over to my friends house again today. Last time my PS3’s fans were screaming for mercy just from minecraft, but i opened it up and repasted the CELL and RSX and the fans were a lot quieter.

We played some more on the world from last time. I started a public works “committee” and built various things such as bridges and roads connecting things. My mascot is the Slime above. I set up a communal chest just for people to dump various things they don’t need into it. My friend tried to build a construction hat on it too.

This bridge is one of the things i built. It connects mine and my friends house. I had setup a whole quarry to mine cobblestone just for it.

for myself i also setup a sheep farm (for the slime) and a crop farm. The crop farm i spent longer than i should have on because i was trying to fit it around the path.

Over by the farm, there’s this chicken stuck on a floating island. We ended up fencing him in because we want to keep it safe. It’s been there for a while though.

Finally, i got this screenshot while we were playing splitscreen. My friend penned in a zombie with his dogs, and it was just chilling there. He ended up killing it because it would stop him from sleeping, but we built a grave to remember him by.

    9 days ago

    For anyone wanting to relive the minecraft 7th gen console experience on PC, I suggest you give the Legacy4J mod a try, specially with the Re-Console Modpack. I had lots of fun revisiting the old tutorial worlds