• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Veganism is (mostly) binary for a reason. You either kill and exploit non-human animals for your pleasure (taste, comfort, affordability, i.e. a want) or you don’t (exceptions exist, but mostly represent needs and not wants, e.g. conditions, intial acclimatisation etc.)

    Veganism and Vegetarianism are not two steps of the same ladder. I’m not an expert on vegetarianism, but AFAIK vegetarianism aims to avoid meat-eating. Veganism aims to minimise suffering from the killing and exploitation of (non-human) animals by abstaining from consuming products directly made from (non-human) animals.

    Veganism isn’t inherently utilitarian. I don’t agree with them, but there are vegans who are climate change (impact) denialists. I don’t agree that giving up on veganism (which has huge climate action potential) for some vague ‘free energy’ is a viable climate action path that doesn’t follow RCP8.5. Nevertheless, I consider those either-or, dichotomy debates as delayist discourse or simply put fossil fuel arguments. Food AND Energy need to cut emissions completely.

  • In WR:SR (a Industrial City-Building Economy and Transport Simulator), there are different placing and overlay modes, like Snap-to-Grid (L4), Elevation (R4) and Underground view (R5), but I still need the first two buttons for zooming/radius(L1,R1), placing(R2)/removal(R2) confirm and the small buttons for placement elevation (for road/rails (and their bridges), pipes/cables) (X,B), mirroring (Y). (I forgot what A was for).

    Basically every time you need more than two keys on the keyboard and the mouse simultanously, for the equivalent on the SD, the lower backbuttons come in handy.

    I have a game that I was afraid of figuring out the controls yet; it is Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. In this game I will likely need every available button twice or something.

  • Slaughterhouses are just a symptom of pasturing.

    Many people killing their dog or some people killing dogs all day is not much difference when killing is wrong - the usual criticism of alienation from the work and product doesn’t quite translate when it’s not your body to begin with.

    Veganism argues that abolishing slaughterhouses is just one step, for it also wants to abolish animal exploitation.

    Abolishing animal exploitation is coupled to abolishing slaughterhouses though, because artificially breeding animals for exploitation will eventually overpopulate the carrying capacity of a given area or company and breeders will need a way to sustain their business by killing ‘excess’ animals.

  • I’m getting annoyed with the constant crashes of Workers & Resources (Industrial Planning, Construction and Management Game). It is by far my favourite game at the moment, but the game is very unstable on Linux, which can be very frustrating. I’d really like to learn more about troubleshooting compatibility layers and start options.

    Minecraft runs smooth with Prism Launcher, which doesn’t even have this annoying credential-loss bug like on the official launcher. Why would anyone map shift to pressing the stick in Minecraft? Proper crouching is but so important to edge-work and digging down.