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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I still remember well how the New Labour faction, in order to attack Corbyn, deemed him an anti-semite by association because in a conference he sat on a panel with a guy who compared the actions of Israel to those of the Nazis. Turns out said guy was a Jewish Holocaust survivor, so they they were saying that a Jewish Holocaust survivor was an anti-semite in order to slander Corbyn by association.

    Also quite a lot of Israel-linked “Jewish” associations cooperated in that whole campaign of slandering Corbyn and Labour as “anti-semite” (remember how the Labour Party was said to have “many” anti-semites, and they turned out to be in a lower proportion than society in general and way less than the Tories) to bring Corbyn down and replace him with somebody from the New Labour faction, which succeeded.

    The New Labour leadership has quite the debt to the Zionists for that, so don’t expect them to be any less unwaveringly supportive of a genocidal ethno-Fascist Israel than the Tories - at best it’s going to be like Biden in American: claim to want Bibi to stop all the while by action de facto supporting him.

  • Not in the EU it doesn’t, unless they got the user to review that Agreement and agree before the sale took place.

    After the implicit contract which is the sale has been agreed to by both parties (the buyer gave the money, the seller took it), one of the parties can’t force the other party to agree to a new contract before they’re allowed to get the contractual benefits of the original contract (i.e. the buyer getting to use the product they bought, the seller getting to use the money they got).

    It doesn’t matter if the seller has such power de facto - legally they most definitelly can’t blackmail the buyer by denying them their side of the contractual rights they got in the Act of Sale by blocking their use of the product they bought until they agree to a new Agreement from the seller.

  • Already back in the 00s you could get a media player box, with a remote, that hooked to you TV and played video files from any share in your network or an HDD hooked up to it.

    Nowadays you can get an Android TV media player box with Kodi on it (or you can install it), again with a remote and hooked to your TV to do the same as that 00s media player box but looks a lot more fancy.

    Or instead of an Android TV you can get a Mini PC or older laptop, ideally with Linux, with an HDMI output which you connect to your TV, install Kodi on it and get a wireless air-mouse remote (if you get one with normal remote buttons rather than the stupid “for Google” ones, the buttons seamlessly integrate with Kodi so you don’t really have to use the air-mouse stuff).

    Alternativelly if you want to avoid Android but don’t want to spend 150 bucks on a mini PC, you can get one of those System On A Board devices like one of the Orange Pi ones, put LibreElec on it (small Linux distro built around Kodi) and do the wireless remote thing with it.

    The back end of any of this is either files on a NAS, on a share on a PC, a harddisk connected directly to the device or even something like Jellyfin running somewhere else (which can be outside your home network) or even any of the many IPTV services out there.

    It has never been this easy to put together a hardware and software solution, entirely under your control - read: just as easy to use for corporate streaming services as for “personal” media - to watch media in your living room with the same convenience as purpose built devices for that, and it has never been this convenient to use or looked this good.

  • The problem is that a lot of people, specially Americans, have interiorized “red scare” propaganda notions, even when they see themselves as Lefties.

    If you don’t just mentally go “uuh, commies” at the mere wiff of communal solutions it’s a lot easier to actually look at certain ideas and judge them on their actual pros and cons, as is spotting authoritarianism for what it is (whether it claims to want to implement leftwing notions or rightwing ones) and tribalism (of the kind that supports Fascism whilst claiming to be leftwing, and I include both Putin supporting “communists” and Zionism supporting “liberals”)

  • The work is almost all done by integrated circuits, so what they did was basically supply the necessary crystal and caps to get the integrated circuits to work, add what looks like a voltage regulator to regulate supply and route the whole thing on what’s almost certainly a 4 layer board.

    Also at the speeds we’re talking about we’re not yet in the domain of having to worry about stuff like the impedance of lines and the signals in absolutelly normal circuit board lines bouncing or getting distorted due to things like impedance mistmatch.

    What’s impressive here is not the size of the thing (you would be surprised at how stupidly small even very complex functionality is nowadays - stuff like the Blackberry Raspberry Pi-Zero is only as big as it is because of making available so many pins to connect to not because of the actual hardware), it’s that this is pretty advanced electronics for high-schoolers even with good teachers, as figuring this stuff out generally involves a lot of datasheet reading unless you’re starting from somebody else’s design.

  • Zionists are ethno-Fascists who happen to ethnically mainly be Jews and who claim they represent their ethnicity even against the denials of lots of Jew who are not Zionists.

    Being a Jew does not make one be a Zionist just like being a white person with blond hair and blue eyes does not make one a Nazi, no matter how much the ethno-Fascists - Zionists and Nazis alike - claim: contrary to ethno-Fascist claims, the relation is entirelly unidirectional.

    Being against the kind of actions of ethno-Fascists - mainly the violent calous mass murder of people of different ethnicities than the one the ethno-Fascists claim to defend - has no racist component at all, no matter which ethnicity the ethno-Fascists claim to defend, because the abhorrence of their acts is quite independent of the race of the perpetrators or their victims.

    The only race/ethnicity thing here is brought by the ethno-Fascists themselves who incessantly go on an on about the ethnic group they “represent” and how anybody criticizing the ethno-Fascists’ actions must be against that entire ethnic group rather than merelly the ethno-Fascists. Nobody else cares which are the races involved, only about the nature of the actions of the ethno-Fascists and that they are justified using racism and racist tropes.

    Your incensant desperate attempts at framing everything as being about the race of the people involved is a perfect example of ethno-Fascist argumentation and way of thinking.

  • The Constitution of Israel literally says that every Jew in the World has the right to Israeli Nationality, so Israel absolutelly is an ethnostate, with an ethnicity which is not defined by race but by religion.

    The rest of your argument is the usual racist bollocks:

    • By claiming that criticism of Israel is anti-semitism you’re logically stating that Israel is the same as the Jewish ethnicity.
    • Claiming that Israel is the same as the Jewish ethnicity means that you believe all members of that ethnicity believe so, a claim that is anchored in the most racists taking possible of the Jewish ethnicity - that they’re all the same and hence all feel and want the same, a.k.a. pure racist prejudice.
    • Worse, in light of there being Jews who do not feel represented by Israel and even who do not think Israel has a right to exist and are vocal about it, a belief that Israel represents all Jews logically means that you believe these specific members of the Jewish ethnicity are not “true” Jews (because if they were, then Israel would not represente all Jews, hence would not represent the Jewish ethnicity, hence cricism of Israel would not be anti-semitism), which is the most rabbidly anti-semitic things possible (the same “good” Jew and “bad” Jew shit as the Nazis).

    In your defense of the Nazi-like ideology of Zionism you’re using Nazi-like prejudice about the Jewish ethnicy and, thus end up, like the Nazis, implying that those Jews who to do not fit you prejudice are not good/proper/real Jews.

    Your entire building of argumentation is predicated on the most racist possible take on Jews - that a young country with a specific political ideology could possibly represent an entire ethnicity spread all over the World, with thousands of years of History, Religion and Culture, and, worse, do so even though there are Jews who openly deny that such country or ideology represents them (so you’re basically claiming you know better what it is to be a Jew than those Jews), all to the point of ethnicity, country and ideology being indistiguisheable, hence criticism of said country and ideology amount to being against that ethnicity.

    It’s ironic that you hold and spread rabbid anti-semitic beliefs which betray that general racist view of the World of yours which I’ve already pointed out, whilst accusing others of being anti-semitic.

    Then again it’s not surprising, since the Nazis used the exact same kind of “argument” you are using when they claimed to represent the Arian Race, and Zionists just replace “Arian” with “Jew” and “against the Arian Race” with “anti-semitic” in Nazi arguments to create their own - the whole thing is straight out of a Himmler speech with just the ethnic group replaced.

    Anybody who has actually paid attention to the evils of Nazism and the Holocaust immediatelly recognizes the Zionist “we represent this race” argumentation structure as the same shit as the Nazis used in their speeches, not just in general terms but often even in of detail.