• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • Alsephina@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlShould Lemmy buy ads on Reddit?
    2 months ago

    Most people on reddit don’t even know about Lemmy lol. I’m sure a large chunk of users, particularly on lefty subs and programming ones, would love to check it out.

    Ads definitely aren’t the way to go though since you’d be giving reddit money. Perhaps setting something up with mods of said subreddits?

  • Alsephina@lemmy.mltoFediverse@lemmy.mlLemmy.ml is supposedly blocked in China
    3 months ago

    Rojava is a decentralized capitalist region with no plans of being socialist/anarchist/etc whose leadership allows the US to use it as a imperialist proxy and military base in the region. Of course the US likes that lmao; the US National Security Council calls it another “israel” in the region.

    The Zapatistas are cool comrades who fought off the US and other capitalist forces as all socialist projects have to. Different from most successful socialist revolutions in that it didn’t establish a state (though it was managed centrally by the EZLN), but it has since succumbed to pressure from the government and cartels and has dissolved its municipalities last year — so it’s not quite as successful of a revolution as those that establish a state, some of which have already managed to become nations of millions or global superpowers.

    Cuba be SocDem, as was the original intent of the revolutionaries

    “Social democracy” back then just meant socialism. The Bolsheviks who established the USSR were also “social democrats”

    And your fantasies of the US ever letting a US-backed military dictatorship be overthrown and develop are funny, specially when it’s currently committing a genocide in Palestine and not even letting them get rid of a western colony.

  • Alsephina@lemmy.mltoFediverse@lemmy.mlLemmy.ml is supposedly blocked in China
    3 months ago

    All states are inherently “authoritarian” and enforce certain principles over others. What matters is if those principles materially prioritize workers over capitalists, which socialist states do.

    You can’t create a stateless, classless communist society from capitalism without a transitional socialist state that breaks the monopoly on force and propaganda that capitalist states have — specially in a world ruled by capitalist superpowers like the US which constantly coups and invades non-capitalist states. Thinking otherwise is just delusional and utopian.

    No non-capitalist state will survive in the modern world if they don’t sufficiently get rid of propaganda and deal with capitalist funded insurgencies, which capitalist states will label as “authoritarian”; they’d immediately be coup’d and overthrown by imperial core countries otherwise, as many socialist states have (Chile, Libya, etc).

    And regardless, socialist states are a massive improvement over capitalist states when it comes to “authoritarianism” anyway, same as most other metrics. The US has 0.8% of its population in prison for example, while China has 0.1%. Similar stats on most metrics for the USSR vs USA; socialist Russia’s human rights were also far better than capitalist Russia’s, obviously.

  • While he does seem to genuinely care about Russia — it was under his presidency that alot of the mass capitalist privatizations after the USSR’s overthrow were undone and life in Russia started to catch back up to what it was, though it remained capitalist — he’s still a liberal. I imagine that’s probably because of a mix of wanting to increase his chances of victory even a bit more, and because there’s no genuine leftist opposition in Russia right now that would actually improve it (all his genuine oppositions have been far-right so far).

  • All of whom are genocidal zionazis who can never go against the US gov’s imperialist interests.

    The only US president who tried to do something half-decent, JFK, for wanting to abolish the CIA and giving an anti-imperialist speech titled “Imperialism: the Enemy of Freedom” to seemingly curtail the US’s invasions in foreign countries, made himself an enemy of both the political parties, and was thus assassinated by the CIA.

    Political systems in the imperial core, specially in the US, only exist to protect capital and imperialism, while giving a thin veneer of “democracy”.

    Btw, Putin has an approval rating of over 75% in Russia. Russia is much more of an actual liberal “democracy” than the US, where Trump won despite getting less votes.

  • An inevitable escalation in the war that started in 2014 with the US-backed fascist coup in Ukraine that goes against the interests and wishes of Eastern Ukrainians


    and the subsequent killings of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine, like Donbas, DPR, and LPR, by the coup gov for resisting.

    I don’t support the invasion per se. In fact, its goal of suppressing fascism in western Ukraine seems to have kinda backfired from this after all, with the Ukraine gov using this as an excuse to suppress the left.

    But the point is, what else could’ve they done? They’ve already tried to join NATO multiple times from even before the USSR’s overthrow and have been denied (since it’s an imperialist org whose entire purpose is to suppress socialism globally, and particularly Russia) and they already had the Minsk agreements which the US sidelined through the coup. Not doing something about it would lead to the continued killing of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, and NATO getting even closer to Russia since the post-2014 US puppet gov doesn’t abide by the Minsk agreements.

  • More accurate to say I support Russia’s role in geopolitics — as any working class person should — because their interests are broadly aligned with the Global South’s in ending the dictatorship that the US — and the Imperial core in general — has had on the rest of the world for the past century (it was mainly the UK before; it’s been the US since WW2).

    While much of the economic and social progress the USSR had made has been undone with its overthrow and forced privatization and capitalism, Russia’s foreign interests have surprisingly remained in favour of the Global South (though unfortunately not as much; they stopped directly funding Vietnam, DPRK, and Palestinian resistance groups since it’s not profitable for capitalists). They’ve consistently supported Syria and Venezuela’s sovereignty against the US for example, and are a core part of BRICS.

  • That was the same with black liberation and apartheid South Africa in MLK and Mandela’s time: they support it only in theory. How many of them supported direct action and use of violent force to actually materially change those? How many of them support Hamas, PFLP, etc in our current time now?

    The answer is “not many”, because MLK, Malcolm X and Mandela were all right about liberals being the same as conservatives in practice.