Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The only thing that would worry me is that he doesn’t have to love the FSB (used to be KGB), he just has to love not being thrown out of a window enough to comply with whatever they may wish, like oh say a Russian state owned Trojan not being detected by it or something. Not that they’re definitely doing that, but the possibility isn’t 0%.

    I mean it’s basically the same reason I don’t trust much of the US based proprietary software, just %s/FSB/CIA/g, the only real reason to trust one over the other is if you trust either agency more than the other IMO, otherwise distrust both.

  • I am “the poor.” Less so now, but still not “not,” lol.

    As far as the documents go, yeah, you need some, and can likely get them if they’ve been lost. The alternative is me claiming to be Elon Musk, getting an ID in his name, whole ass stealing his identity to fund my life (which while that sounds funny to me is a crime lol.) Really without some proof of identity there’s no point to even have IDs at all.

    State IDs are also required for another right, the right to bear arms. You can’t buy a gun in the US without an ID, and buying a gun being a right much like the right to vote, if it’s prohibitively hard to get an ID for one right so too must it be for all rights. Frankly you can kill more people with a vote, too.

  • I mean, they all keep the same hours in my state and it seems like more of them are actually in the bad areas (where I happen to live myself, lol) rather than making the “rich neighborhoods look bad” with all the DMV offices. I can’t speak for the entire country, but you’d think my area would be one of the worst with it if it were actually about stopping “the blacks” from acquiring them (US, South.) Also every single minority I know (which is actually a fair number, my area is diverse af,) has an ID and/or driver’s license, so they definitely can get them.

    Hell I know one dude, trans, half black, dad left as a kid because he was a crackhead, grew up poor with me, current heroin addict (hope he gets better before he dies like many of our other friends,) and he still has an ID. I think it may deadname him still, but he has one. I’ve actually never even met a single person over the age of 18 without one afaik, hell I know 4 homeless dudes and they have them. One lives in a tent and the other three just have sleeping bags under a bridge and they figured it out. I mean the address is a local shelter that lets them use the address specifically for this, but they do have one.

    Tbh I think the whole “the blacks can’t get IDs” thing is not only overstated, but also kinda racist, like how saying “we have to take care of women because they can’t take care of themselves” is technically “nice” or whatever because they have good intentions but it’s actually misogynistic af.

  • and create a citizenship ID that is free and easy to get rather than using ID with requirements like a driver’s license.

    Just a heads up, these already are a thing, you still have to go to the DMV to get it since they’re the people who issue it, but they have IDs that are just “IDs” and then they have IDs that are also “drivers licenses.” The one that is just an ID like you’re talking about they just have to bring their birth cert, social security card, and proof of address like a bill or paystub or anything like that, then they fill out the info, take their pic, and voila, “Identification Card” without the driving priveleges.

    People do it all the time, because without one you can’t buy smokes, vapes, booze, go to 18+ concerts, have a job in some cases, hell watch porn in some states lol, etc, anything age restricted really.

  • Well yes, but that doesn’t affect people who plan to murder with them of course, the added time for doing it with a “machine gun” specifically is nothing compared to already getting life, the death penalty, shot by cops, or suicide at the end of their spree killing.

    Though no, guns are legal to print, the switch is defined as a machine gun by the ATF and that is illegal without the proper licensure. You can print a glock no problem, but you can’t sell it or make it full auto.

    Most guns used in crimes were indeed initially purchased legally, but then stolen or sold illegally through a process called “straw purchasing.” The ATF reports avg “time to crime” (from buying in-store until found at a crime scene) of guns they find is 11 years and the overwhelming majority were straw purchased. Now, it’s important to note that this isn’t to say that most guns bought have 11yr before a crime happens, rather that most guns involved in crime (which is a fraction of a percent of all guns sold/owned) took 11yr to get there.

  • Hey I want to try out slackware real bad (for my own, religious reasons. Praise “Bob”).

    So anyway I was wondering, I’ve heard it’s more difficult than your average distro, mainly in the sense that dependencies are not managed by a package manager like the dnf I’m used to, but then I’ve also heard they have tools for that now. Before I try it out I’d like to ask a few people like yourself how they manage dependencies, and if there are any other tips you’d like to share.