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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • It wasn’t a genre I enjoy, so I don’t really know much about it beyond the stuff about how badly it sold. I have to wonder though, just how bad does a game have to be to sell this badly? Whenever I see people complain about something in gaming, I inevitably see people talking about how people should vote with their wallets, but then whatever the thing in question is seems to be quite profitable despite the complaints and calls for people to stop buying it. What was so wrong with this one that actually caused practically nobody to buy it?

  • Stick it to a garlic farmer by buying their garlic? Even if selling it again means that they dont get the sales at that event, thats still garlic sold at previous events above the amount that they might otherwise have sold. Maybe growing more changes things, but unless one is a farmer oneself, I doubt one can so easily grow more garlic that a professional garlic farmer, because of the land and tools needed.

  • honestly, frozen is pretty unnecessary for easy pizza though, the hard part of pizza is making the crust, so if you want personal pizzas, get a cheap pack of pocketless pita breads to add sauce and cheese and whatever else to, and then its basically the same as making a piece of toast with a bunch of toppings. takes about the same time to cook up as a frozen one and probably will end up being cheaper. Make it in a pan with a little oil and the crust will probably turn out nicer than frozen pizza, even.

  • Here’s the thing: Trump’s politics do not stop with Trump. Killing him does not kill the fascistic movement he’s contributed greatly to, it has a life of it’s own, and even had he died today, whoever replaces him would still be peddling the same kinds of things, except they’d now have a martyr to rally Trump’s old fanbase around, one that, by virtue of being killed, many people are going to feel reluctant to criticize. As such, I feel that this attack, assuming it was politically motivated (and I figure the odds that someone shoots at Trump for reasons unrelated to his political agenda are quite slim, so it’s probably a safe assumption) was a mistake- I fear that it will have helped Trump’s agenda more than hurt it, and would have done so even if it was successful in killing him.

    Now, Im not saying this to be one of those “violence is never the answer” types, I do recognize that there are situations where the only hope one has to survive an openly hostile political force is overwhelming violence; but it must be recognized that such an effort is extremely risky, it has significant drawbacks even if successful (such as setting a precedent legitimizing political violence, which anyone else may use, or causing collateral damage), and carries a significant risk that when the shooting stops, you’ll be on the losing end. As such, it really should be a last resort, and seeing as Trump isn’t even president yet, hasn’t even been voted in, and doesn’t yet have a legislature stacked up to ensure he can actually carry out his agenda, we’re not yet at the point where it is the only option left to stop him. Employing it now makes it more likely that we reach that point.

  • Maybe it could be for the psychological benefit of the person wearing the uniform? Like, if youve got a post scarcity utopian society where people dont need to work, but youve got some job that needs doing that can be a bit dangerous or tedious at times and therefore might be inherently unattractive to many, like ship’s crew, and you cant just pay people a bunch to do it because you’ve done away with money, one incentive you might have to offer is social status and a sense of personal achievement. In which case, you might use bright flashy displays of rank, because it gives the person that has attained it a bright flashy reminder of “hey look at you, you’ve achieved this fancy rank that everyone that didnt join the fleet or didnt get as far as you yet doesnt have”, and gives any regular civilian that sees you a blatant reminder of “hey, this could be you, if you’re willing to put in the work for it”