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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not sure if the plot thread ever went anywhere (I mostly liked 40k to read the lore in the codexes and buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo this was years ago) but the Tau were kind of being propped up by the dark eldar who would frequently and seemingly benevolently swoop in to save them from various threats like tyranid invasions with some omanous price implied to be paid at a later time.

  • Honestly the lack of balance is what I appreciated, throwing drones or skags at people or summoning a mech and firing off a huge volley of homing missiles. Given the series was already flanderized by BL2 it was nice to have more unique powers; though the timing of them felt a bit nasty as they were too frequent to be worth saving but had enough cooldown to be annoying in a tight spot. I think a good balance in future would be impactful powers with a much longer cooldown or some kind of conditional trigger that keeps guns the main focus.