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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Not owning something? sure, that’s not necessarily the best way to define someone. especially in a post apocalyptic wasteland.

    But there are certain benchmark things that are consequential enough to define someone. Not having reliable access to shelter is pretty descriptive of a person’s situation.

    I don’t think you could argue that the only difference between someone who owns their own functional and crewed yacht - and a person who is homeless, is personal preference/taste. Regardless of an apocalypse.

    But, I wouldn’t expect the mansionless to understand the nuances of owning things so don’t worry about it too much /s

    Honestly, I’m loving the slur mansionless. Thank you for this

  • Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

    I get the whole “building a case” thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually “get enough evidence” so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn’t go to trial/conviction I’m sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

    And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.

  • Your wife will do well when the water wars start and you’d be wise to start following her lead.

    As as aside, next time you know you’re going to a hotel bring a secret, second ice bucket to fill shortly after she fills the hotel one. Bonus points if you can acquire it from the hotel so they’re identical.

    Don’t mention it or anything, just let her work out the logistics of what happened when she notices. If she’s as serious about hotel ice as she sounds, you’ll probably get laid right then and there.

  • Not sure how hot this take is, but ever since FFX I have found the FF series leaning heavily into the J part of JRPG

    So we get epic characters with world ending powers doing trope-y anime poses and gestures, or get childish priorities and I find it negatively affecting immersion (for me anyhow).

    The last “new” final fantasy I’ve played is 13, and some of 13II (as well as rebirth, which I still loved) so I’m not exactly caught up on current FF universes either.

    FF1-9 all felt more neutral in that they were people acting to save the world and helping people along the way, whereas more modern final fantasy games seem to have this sweetie goofy cotton candy innocence elements that really clash with underlying story/universe. Like I’m watching elementary school Anime mashed into an adult FF universe.

    I’d love for the FF7 remake series to shift to a much darker, gritty, adult tone (chocobos can still be happy tho, love those guys)

  • An event can force a mental health crisis. You’re wrong if you believe otherwise.

    You’re trying to say “everyone who lights themselves on fire is having a mental health crisis” - this is true.

    You’re also saying “if a common event like eviction results in self immolation it’s entirely the fault of mental health crisis and not eviction, because not everyone evicted self immolates” - this is false.

    You’re intentionally reversing cause and effect, when it’s obviously wrong.

    It’s a weird thing - you getting your rocks off acting willfully ignorant and belligerent over some arbitrary belief that events can’t be responsible for a mental health crises if the reaction isn’t typical.

    Why do you insist it is so important that everyone you interact with in this thread believes only mental health crisis can carry the blame?

    Why is it not possible for someone who is being evicted to light themselves on fire because they are being evicted?

    What makes this exclusively a mental health issue, and not a housing crisis issue?

    Which would be more effective at stopping self immolations during eviction - affordable housing preventing eviction but no mental health support? Or mental health support prior to eviction, but the individual will still be homeless?

    Which outcome is better? If the old man didn’t self immolate, but instead became homeless? Or if the old man was never worried about losing shelter because they would never lose shelter?

  • I get what you’re (poorly) trying to say, but in the context of this thread - an old man lighting himself on fire during the eviction - we can safely assume his mental state is being largely influenced by the eviction.

    It’s pretty ridiculous to assert that self immolation is exclusively a mental health situation that is entirely insulated from the outside world, as though mental health and a person’s environment are mutually exclusive and have absolutely 0 affect on each other.

    It’s a very convenient way of reducing problems to an individual level to completely avoid the root causes.

    Maybe you are just trying to be some data purist who believes self immolation can only be done by someone in a mental health crisis - and mental health crises are exclusively internal and cannot be tied to external circumstances??

    For future reference, lighting yourself on fire while actively protesting war, or actively being evicted probably has more to do with the realities of war and housing crises, and less to do with forgetting breathing exercises and lacking cognitive behaviour therapy strategies.

  • I just got a blue ray of samurai champloo - mostly because I’m sick of media in general cycling through multiple streaming services only to become unavailable.

    The SC blue ray came with a digital copy from funimation (now crunchyroll). I saw online that it’s basically a scam that doesn’t work so to see for myself I created a paid account to hopefully get access to the digital download.

    I found out it was unsupported, and at best it would only be available online and with an account - no opportunity for actual download/ownership.

    So I immediately cancelled subscription and had them fully delete my account. I figured complaining about their shit policy by cancelling a paid service and fully deleting an account would hit some metrics at least.

    When there’s a show/movie I really enjoy, I either buy physical, or torrent so I actually have it. Only some things on the internet are forever, and with the volume of content being created, “permanent” is now often only for a few months before it becomes nearly impossible to find again.