• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • I think you’re being downvoted or ignored by most because the way you’ve formatted your post is strikingly similar to the way some bots spam ads for their malicious services. Glancing at your post history it’s clear to me that you just want to actually watch the fight.

    As far as that goes, afaik it’s notoriously difficult to find streams things like fights and sportsballs as they happen, but I know for a fact you’re not the only pirate looking for things like that, so I’d try to find a sports dedicated network and see if the fight gets uploaded within a day or so. Hopefully someone with specific knowledge to your question comes along, maybe there’s a stream?

    Good luck.

  • When I said it only has value when there are people to value it, I didn’t mean the system would break further, I meant that we are in the middle of an anthropogenic mass extinction. They didn’t succeed- two octagenarians were not meant to- but the next time they might actually try. They aren’t looking for recruits, they are warning us. They are getting more desperate.

    Am I suggesting the government do- no. If the system of government were going to take meaningful action to curb a global mass extinction event, it would have by now.

    The government will do whatever it wishes, as it ever has. I advocate overthrowing the government. Revolution. Bloody, violent revolution if necessary. To whatever new system will take the existential threat seriously, and wield its vast inherited power to prevent that apocalypse. Autocracy, communism, whatever will not hum and haw and wait for a more convenient season to face toward annihilation with a bold face and take the difficult, necessary steps.

    Educating people… Please: Listen to yourself. Read back your own words. “healthy solutions” instead of inconvenient lifestyle changes, the value of history over an existentially threatened future.

    People dont want to be ‘educated’ by people they equate to doomsayers standing on the corner with a megaphone. And do you seriously think people havent been trying, for decades now to do that very thing?

    The environment… people have been told its about the environment, and it is that. It is about the plants that are reducing in quantity and quantity in the stifling heat and soon not to be producing enough for everyone to eat. It is about the beetles and the earthworms who do their thankless toil maintaining the earth for those plants to grow. It is about the fish who choke on our waste and the fungi we prevent from accessing.

    It is also about us. What will we eat? Where will our children play? What layers of ventilated plastic will we have to wear to survive the heat? We. Live. In. The. Envirnoment.

    You want an education? Here’s one few seem to know about, and I dont wonder why: Ocean acidification. CO2 dissolves in our ocean and the pH goes down. More CO2, more acidic. This in turn dissolves the shells of marine life. Those marine life produce almost 80% of the oxygen we need to fucking breathe. In combination with the burning, clearcutting and, generally, rape of the planet’s forests and jungles that we might continue to eat fucking hamburgers, we will, sooner than anyone could possibly wish, Suffocate.

    Fuck the magna carta, and fuck a democracy that refuses to let us come up for breath.

    peaceful education, forsooth. this education is inherently violent, and I for one am tired of pretending it isn’t.