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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 2nd, 2024


  • There’s no reason EVs have to be heavier forever

    That’s a bit of a stretch, unfortunately. The energy density of batteries is nowhere close to that of gasoline - joule for joule, gasoline weighs about 100 times less than batteries. Also, a fuel tank big enough to give its vehicle a 400 mile range will get lighter over the course of the trip, as the liquid fuel gets converted into polluting gas and exhausted into the atmosphere - batteries don’t get appreciably lighter as you discharge them.

    Agree that 400 miles range with charging stations as ubiquitous as today’s gas stations would help EV adoption. I do worry about the rollout of charging stations being slowed down by competition with expensive and fragile hydrogen tech (keep the hydrogen on boats and trains pls).

  • That’s just a fucking blatant lie. Obamacare is free if your income is low enough.

    This is also factually inaccurate. If your income is low enough, then I know from experience that the sign up process for the ACA will redirect you to Medicaid.

    I believe that you believe that you’re telling the truth, but it seems like you’ve been misinformed. In reality, you’ve asked me to disregard my own lived experience and to ignore the evidence provided by my own lying eyes.

    I’m in it. Right now. Trying to get healthcare as a poor person in USA.

    Your replies make it seem like you are not - like you’re out of touch and apparently believe its easier to be poor in USA than it actually is. A poor person in USA can get free healthcare, but you have to stay poor to keep it. If your income grows to about 1 standard deviation below the median, which is still less than a living wage, then you’ll lose access to Medicaid and have to shop for an ACA plan in the marketplace. Those marketplace plans became garbage after the Republicans repealed the important parts of ‘obamacare’.

  • That’s factually inaccurate.

    The cheapest plans cost hundreds of dollars per month and have deductibles that make you pay thousands of dollars out of pocket before the insurance company will pay out a cent. Its worse than just not having any insurance - not only are you still paying full price for healthcare, but you’re also out hundreds of dollars a month paying the premiums for an insurance policy that doesn’t actually cover anything unless you happen to have thousands of dollars in the bank to pay the deductibles.

    If you make enough money that you can afford to pay the premiums and deductibles for even the cheapest of ACA plans, or if you’re so out of touch and far removed from shopping for ACA plans as a poor person that you’re not aware of just how expensive they are and how little they cover, perhaps it is you who needs to re-evaluate how privileged you are.

  • Delta_V@lemmy.worldtoBaldur's Gate 3@lemmy.worldWhat is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
    14 days ago

    That’s as far as I got too before quitting due to boredom, but for different reasons.

    Character building and combat are the main draws for me to D&D, but D&D 5E character building is a step backwards from 3&3.5E and micromanaging an entire party through turn based combat feels like a chore. I’d like to see a Borderlands or Diablo II mod that takes those gameplay styles into the Forgotten Realms setting - a fast paced, skill based game that focuses on action, where you control a single character who’s design and progression increase the skill ceiling by providing more options to make split-second decisions about what tactics to use during each encounter.

  • why the hell would Mozilla be obliged to acknowledge this request?

    That’s what I’ve been scratching my head about too. What leverage does Russia have to force them to do this? What consequences could they impose for non-compliance?

    Does Mozilla own property in Russia? Sell it or write it off, then ignore the censorship request.

    Do they have employees who live or have family in Russia? Either fire them or help them move, then ignore the censorship request.

    None of the above? Perhaps it is we who need to fire Mozilla then.

  • I wish the Democrats would lay off the gun control.

    Regarding taxes, both parties fail in different ways. Democratic tax policy fails at the Federal level - low/zero taxes at the Federal level makes sense because the Federal government hasn’t needed to collect taxes since establishing the Federal Reserve banking system and moving off the gold standard. Republican tax policy fails at the State level - low taxes at the State level makes less sense, because the states actually need the money to pay for programs that market forces do not provide for.

    Neither party is doing enough to make our military industry more efficient, less organizationally top heavy, and less corrupt. Spending resources on war is bad, but losing a war to tyrants like China or Russia would be worse. I want USA to have more weapons for less money.

    Both parties fail when it comes to welfare programs. Republicans would implement sadistic and self-destructive abolition of all safety nets. Democrats craft welfare programs that pull the rug out from under people as soon as they start down the road toward financial stability, trapping people in poverty by removing the safety net too soon. For example, Medicaid is the only good healthcare available in this backwards nation, but you need to stay poor to get it - earn too much money and you’ll end up poorer than when you started.

  • If you see someone merging you can temporarily switch to the middle lane to overtake them

    That’s illegal in USA. People do it anyway, but if there’s a crash and blame needs to be assigned, then the law says you’re supposed to keep driving at the same speed, not change lanes, and leave it entirely up to the driver attempting to merge to regulate their speed so they can merge safely.

  • It depends on your frame of reference.

    From inside the ship, light speed is faster. You travel arbitrary distance in an instant.
    Outside the ship, everyone else sees you moving 1 light year per year, but for passengers, the voyage is essentially a forward-only time machine.

    From outside the ship, warp speed is faster. Observers will see the warp bubble with a ship inside it moving >1 light year per year, and because it will arrive at its destination before light from the ships own past will arrive there, it acts like a view-only backwards time machine.