People getting massdownvoted here to the point of having negative overall rep tend to be an issue
I dont mind piefeds version since its only negative for ppl getting primarily downvotes, there isnt a boost for high upvotes
It encourages shitposting, high karma almost always was related to memes, not being helpful
Its not like the alternative reddit is any better at least here someone could design a free app to do it, while reddit you gotta pay to access the api to delete all your posts/comments
They want the brown ppl scared to go outside, now were just more likely to get concealed carry permits
I use a tachiyomi fork yokai
im glad i got a normal tablet over an ereader, s9fe surprisingly is fire (i read comic books mostly), relatively cheap tablets are solid now, too big at 11 inches to one hand comfortably but better for video so ill make the sacrifice. Expected cheaper tablets to be garbage since my only experience was like a decade ago, now they’re all pretty good, the lenovo ones are better/cheaper off aliexpress and have usable nits (brightness) compared to the us models.
Ais cooked it cant even figure out what the heaviest pokemon is, is there even a reliable factual source on that on the internet its not gonna yell you no or accept that there is no answe, it cant think itll give you an answer no matter what, thats how ai hallucination works, use the tool correctly for the correct things and it works fine, use it for pointless stuff and itll be pointless
When it comes to pokemon it is, they can weigh in concepts
Use a tool wrong and its useless, use it correctly and save some time, or complain that it isnt perfect and cant do everything for you, idc either way, I used it, worked for me, I got good grades, graduated with my degree and still use ai when I need it time to time, never been an issue, if you expect it to be your guide to fiction, good luck
ai does that doesnt make it less useful for factual information lol, you literally yourself said that its a question with no answer that is up to debate
They abstrakted nothing, its centralized af
make your own, selfhost shortlink app, buy an eays to remember/type domain or something, tons of options for cheap extensions when the domain is for yourself and not selling things or running a business
It was useful way back but idr why? Like copying and pasting was always a thing, I think it was commonly used in yt videos with piracy links and they werent in the description.
What is the heaviest pokemon according to the pokedex? The heaviest Pokémon according to the Pokédex is Celesteela, which weighs 2204.4 lbs (999.9 kg). It’s an Ultra Beast introduced in Pokémon Sun & Moon and resembles a massive rocket.
Interestingly, the Pokédex caps weights at 999.9 kg, so Celesteela might not even be its true maximum weight!
The heaviest Pokémon according to the Pokédex is Celesteela, which weighs 2204.4 lbs (999.9 kg). It’s an Ultra Beast introduced in Pokémon Sun & Moon and resembles a massive rocket.
Interestingly, the Pokédex caps weights at 999.9 kg, so Celesteela might not even be its true maximum weight!
Like the way you asked it is conversational, so it responded like any random person would, but if you ask for it to base it on something real itll check against that
Asking it the way you asked opens the way for opinions from internet comments everywhere, and its not necesarily wrong since itd be subjective
What is the heaviest pokemon according to the pokedex? Did you try that, its not time consuming. Celesteela according to chatgpt Idk if thats right Idk pokemon
Stremio grab every addon, configure em all for realdebrid, gets most obscure things, sometimes you gotta wait a day or two for rd to dload really obscure stuff (itll tell you torrent is dloading to rd) I found some random old movies I didn’t expect to be there.