Easy fix, train it to respond with the Nelson Laugh.
Easy fix, train it to respond with the Nelson Laugh.
I think we all know what would have happened to her if it didn’t make the news
Some people like winning all the time
I’m not sure if that’s a joke or not.
It always amuses me when a certain type of person hears “private company” and thinks that means “better than public”
Like the concentration of wealth makes it more moral or intelligent.
I can. We’ve seen so much proof that 30% of people will believe literally anything.
I mean, I do, to see what new mods are out.
Gun modding is an absolute shit show btw. Everyone tries to make their guns use the real or unique calibers and it’s kind of a massive pain.
Fallout 3 deserves a mention as a third most relevant.
When he called DeSantis Meatball Ron. It’s true. He’s a meatball.
I couldn’t explain it, but it’s a fact.
AKSHUALLY my ancestors are carpetbaggers, SUCKER.
That aside “Dixie” isn’t really the same thing as the Confederacy, but there’s a lot to be said from the sociological angle about how cultures often develop in opposition to outside pressures. There isn’t a lot a Texan should have in common with someone from South Carolina after all.
What’s more upsetting, if he used it as an insult, or if he made an insightful and knowledgeable reference?
It follows the Midwest BoS chapter, but in all fairness I can’t blame you for the confusion. Texas is big enough that even though it’s the only state to fight for slavery twice and as such is as Dixie as can be, parts of it are considered more properly Southwest and Midwest so there’s plenty of room for debate.
I do not, however, retract my statement on Yankees, as being uncharitable towards them is traditional.
Idk maybe we could do a little forced decolonization, as a treat.
If one more brainless Yankee can’t tell the difference between the South and the Midwest I’m going to do nothing because I expected no better
If BG3 is so open and accepting them where’s my World’s Sluttiest Future Tentacle Monsters Polycule?
That’s fair, but let’s not pretend there aren’t brokers that just run a credit check below a certain amount and leave it at that.
Honestly the easiest people to replace with a bot.
You can short something with $1. It’s just not enough to affect the value itself. You also don’t technically need any money at all, the point of a basic short is to profit off selling borrowed stock after all.
Market can remain irrational, etc
Yes, Vader is literally the person who froze Han in carbonite, to test the process to make sure it would be safe for Luke. He then gave Han to Boba Fett to turn in for Jabba’s bounty.
I don’t think the picture is anyone getting confused about who Darth Vader is.