Ban the junk…not the pictures of it.
Ban the junk…not the pictures of it.
You said it better with just don’t buy AAAAAAAA games ever…
Most are absolute garbage.
Oddly enough, my switch has the original controllers. No drift on em.
Granted I mostly use a PS4 controller on my switch so they do have limited use on them.
Not just China…but everywhere. WHEN they cancel it your just up shits creek without a paddle.
So almost everything will get this then
We were all also educated on never putting your personal information online. Now look at the majority.
Do American streets count as a platform?
Start going to physical stores again…it will prevent literally all of it. You’re better off this way anyways. You can actually see when things are literal garbage BEFORE buying it instead of having to deal with some companies garbage phone support or whatever robot crap they use to process returns.
Personally, I don’t care since I have the ability to block them myself. When I see someone posting the same trash 3+ times I just block em
If they have an android based phone, they probably are…
Gotta build that userbase before you raoe them
There is nothing wrong with emulators. The ROMs themselves, sure. Emulators? Heck no
I give back what I receive, so in theory…yes.
Id rather see someone play a leaked game early, then have to deal with some corporate garbage trailer that pulls all the stops to deceive it’s fans. I’d rather see actual gameplay, from a normal user then the slop they script.
They aren’t selling anything, so what does it matter other then tendo can’t lie as easily.
Amazing response to Nintendo. Get fucked tendo, get fucked. You control nothing
Because Facebook posts Reddit links, duh…
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No, only remasters of the remakes while remastering a remastered remake.
Something new that isn’t some remake of a game.
Keep throwing money into this garbage pile.
I don’t even get the free games…they aren’t worth my time. I’ll pay to get them elsewhere instead even if it’s free there when I’m looking