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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023

  • The tories also get votes because they are so horrible, they know this and play to it. It does help them, put people don’t want to admit this to pollsters so they don’t poll as well. Especially when they are completely undefendable like they are now. Nothing drives people like hate and anger, which the press and tories stir up at every chance. They’ll complain about immigration and how bad immigrants are, despite them being responsible for the highest levels of immigration ever (tories like immigration it keeps wages down and makes unions weaker).

    The tories will get more votes than you would expect, not enough to win. The tories have always been this nasty and incompetent. They still won elections.

  • They could attempt to quantify how gamed the result is and reduce its ranking. Also punishing domains with lower ranking the more they return SEO optimised pages. They could also increase the ranking of older pages.

    This doesn’t really help google, it only really improves their search results. Google wants these hyper SEO optimised results with lots of advertising. Additionally, the less relevant the result is the more searches a person does. Each search is an additional set of ad impressions.

    Google search is better than ever. Because it generates more advertising opportunities for google. Google isn’t in the business of returning good search results, they are in the business of displaying ads.