You are crying like a child over not getting your own way. You can buy an Intel GPU. You can buy Radeon or RX.
Ok, they have the right to raise their prices, and everybody has the right to never buy from nVidia. Nvidia has no obligation to sell cheap GPU’s to people and nobody is owed it from nVidia.
It seems that RISC V is starting to eat into ARM’s sales,.correct me if I’m wrong. I know that althought Risc V does not have the performance, it’s bcase as a CPU that RISC V is open hardware, free of any licensing so angbody can build and modify a RISC V processor free of all financial obligations or restraints. Thankfully big tech is developing their own RISC V processor because in the years ahead it could mean that each corporation makes their own processor for servers which means nothing to buy for hardware.
No, that does not mean it will be a real world competitor to x86_64, but it does mean it could be a free alternative to ARM, depending on a device’s design. I would buy a RISC V tablet and install BSD on it.
And that in itself can be enough to assign an ID each time the server reponds to a request and keep track of server generated ID’s to start creating a folder for each ID to have a record of user history on the servers.
No, if I wasn’t clear enough already, due to dependancy issues, StreetComplete is not an option.
Over time I’ve grown very concerned about non-FOSs simply due to constant datamining. Including for products people buy, they still want customers to install a proprietary app and register the product with serial, name, etc, for extra functionality. So on a phone, I have hard restrictions on what I refuse to install so that no apps have access to anything on phone or how I use it.
Why does StreetComplete have non-free dependancies but OpenStreetMap is completely free/libre? I’m not going to install StreetComplete because of that.
Does it work without data service or a SIM?
I’m currently watching it and I can’t stand how weak he is. He is so passive I suspect he is so terrorified of showing any friction, that in private he abuses people when he thinks he’s safe from getting caught because he void of any principals. He’s completely vapid and hollow. Stop with the constant “Yeah yeah yeah…” when Jay is talking and learn how to be a man with principals and convictions. Do you notice with every criticism and challenge from Jay that he never objects and never pushes back or disagrees? He’s spineless.