My God my general but shallow knowledge of many things will grow more powerful
My God my general but shallow knowledge of many things will grow more powerful
Somebody edit this image with a Kirk face or something
L take. I’m glad that person didn’t have to use it, as that would mean violence was being brought upon innocent protesters that they therefore had to defend.
As ice cube taught us, any day you don’t have to use the AK is a good day.
HAVING the gun, and therefore demonstrating second amendment rights is different than needing to use it.
Check out a prior example
Fediverse users are not inherently good people. They’re just people.
From day 1. You’re all bots
That’s not true, there are instances they are completely out nearly completely detached from the main cluster
Hey PO works great till it doesn’t
Snozberries? Is it snozberries you want?
What are you saying no to? I feel like I’m talking to my toddler nephew.
Do you not like the suggestion, or it doesn’t work for you, or you will not accept a random tip that wasn’t even directed at you specifically?
Do you want some raspberries?
To avoid the popup shit:
Open page immediately Ctrl A then paste in a text editor
Often works for me
Document that shit, leave your phone on recording (discretely away from you).
Hot him with the 👍
Pre 2016 reddit front page was not as you describe. I’m not saying it was perfect, I’m saying open conservative concepts were not prevalent or popular.
Imperialism isn’t unique to right wing
If you’re cold, they’re cold! Bring em inside!!!
If left-wing covers all concepts left of center, and many mild left policy still incorporates capitalism, then it can’t be reduced that strictly. I could agree that progressive or far left policy isn’t compatible with capitalism
Edit either way, we disagree on semantics. It’s off topic for the original question now (I’m not sticking that on you, I contributed to this semantic rabbit hole)
To circle it back, I think there’s a way to invite “normies”, maintain left leaning (even very left leaning) positions, and not compromise the platform.
Edit edit and I think that’s possible without purity testing or shotgunning people with theory
I want to see someone ask tacticooled out with a steam deck on their plate carrier