• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think there would be more sympathy if Cloudflare pointed to a specific limit breached and proposed ways to get into compliance at their current price plan.

    “Service XYZ is now consuming 500% of expected quota. Shut it down or we need to get you on a bigger plan.” is actionable and meaningful, and feels a little less like a shakedown.

    I’m sick of “unlimited” services that really mean “there’s a limit but we aren’t going to say what it is.” By that standard, freaking mobile telecoms are far more transparent and good-faith players!

    Perhaps this also represents a failing in Cloudflare’s product matrix. Everyone loves the “contact sales for a bespoke enterprise plan” model, but you should be creating a clear road to it, and faux-unlimited isn’t it. Not everyone needs $random_enterprise_feature, so there’s value in a disclosed quota and pay-as-you-scale approach: the customer should be eager to reach out to your sales team because the enterprise plan should offer better value than off-the-rack options at high scale.

  • Gamescope seems to have done a good job of taming the SNK games. Genshin… seems to have fixed itself. For a while it was in a weird state where the game worked but the launcher beeped furiously though the PC speaker, like I was sending beeps to an xterm. Now it seems fine. I do feel like this is a lot more black magic than I’m used to with Linux-- I actually had to reboot to get to a consistent behaviour-- but non-native games do tend to play fast and loose.

  • And the demolition plans are in a disused washroom in the basement behind a sign that says “beware of the leopard.” That’s an absurd justification.

    Normal users are not going to root around in the registry and twiddle things to mske the OS treat them with respect. Most of them won’t search for it, and many of those that do won’t have the skills to deploy a registry hack or identify legit info instead of malware or pranks.

    The right answer is a third button-- “No, forever.” We all know it’s the right answer; I’m sure even Microsoft has focus group data. It doesn’t exist because someone in Redmond’s bonus is tied to how many people are cowed into signing up for OneDtive.

    I’ve got a CS degree and 15 years of dev experience, and have come to the conclusion that you can’t negotiate in good faith with Windows anymore. It is going to take you down whichever hellpath their biz-dev team demands, and any attempts to fight it are going to be undermined and replaced with a new set of hacks or a differeny gauntlet of dark patterns for a few months later.

    Maybe LTSC and Enterprise versions are a bit better, where they might have to preserve the goodwill of big dollar corporate customers instead of chasing some trifling revenue hack, but do we as ordinary users on home/pro licenses not deserve the same respect? And even there, don’t those business customers have to spend undue effort crafting and deploying policies to cram the endless stream of spam back in the box?