Jfc this gave me a very much needed full belly laugh.
Jfc this gave me a very much needed full belly laugh.
Ménage à Troi
My sister’s gateway was the Disney Pocahontas movie. She would have been around seven or eight when it was released in theaters. She fell in love with the story and the characters, knew all the songs etc… and so she wanted to learn more. So then she got real history books about the time period and biographies of Pocahontas.
And that’s when she learned grown-up’s lie.
Lately I google for someone that should give me a direct, exact result. First five links are fucking paid ads.
Well that just solved the question of “what should I watch tonight?”
Until you find out those were also built by a junior using an llm to help 🙃
They actually have a fairly comprehensive training program setup through their “University.” They also mix in foreign contractors, usually from China.
I almost did before the outage. Their pay was pretty low compared to similar positions at other companies though.
One of my favorite T-shirts. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/23763923-utc-or-gtfo
(I am not affiliated in any way with this shop)
Nope, it was Gmail and I know it’s the correct account because I have other emails regarding that account going back a few years including confirmations and a password reset.
I did check spam at the time. I really tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but all I can figure is my account slipped through some weird crack. It’s likely I never would have even known if it weren’t for my kid asking me one day if we could play together.
I did check that at the time as well. Nothing was there.
Doubt all you like. I checked multiple times after opening a ticket to make sure I hadn’t missed something. I would actually be a lot less annoyed with them if I had.
I did. Unfortunately the chain ended with repeated canned responses to me that the grace period had ended and the only way I could get access again was to repurchase the game.
So did most of my friends, but I checked multiple times and confirmed that I had nothing. I would have been a lot less annoyed with them if I had received an email and missed or ignored it. For whatever reason, the notifications never made it to me.
I’m one of those people. I haven’t played in years. I may never have played again. I only found out because my daughter is now at an age where she asked if we could play together. I received no notice from Microsoft and I don’t do social media so it was a complete surprise to me when I couldn’t log in, then find out through their support that I had lost access to something I had legally paid for.
It was pointed out to me once that the engine room scenes were filmed in a brewery and now I can’t unsee it.
I never even received an email. I haven’t touched Minecraft in years, probably never would have again, but my daughter is getting into it and I thought it would be fun to play with her. I found out about the migration when trying to troubleshoot why I couldn’t log in.
I tried to contact support and they told me that they had “widely communicated the migration through email and social media” and that because I had missed the migration window, I would simply have to buy a new copy. I double and triple checked. No emails regarding the migration and I’m not on social media.
I highly recommend the book Red Shirts by John Scalzi if you haven’t read it.
I don’t remember where I saw or heard it, but when I was younger I came across an interview with some of the other cast of TNG talking about how Patrick Stewart originally came in this very disciplined classic Shakespearean actor and how he really started loosening up after a couple of years.