Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024

  • In order to be able to appeal directly to the jury, the actionists then represented themselves in court and reminded the jury members of their right to acquit as a matter of conscience, regardless of legal argument.

    This led to a hung jury. The state is expected to continue to pursue a conviction, with a retrial likely in February 2026. Palestine Action said this would create “another opportunity to expose who the real criminals are”.

    The state didn’t get the result they wanted so they’re just doing it again. That’s cool. Much legitimate, very justice.

  • They’re just regular fuck-ups like us, but with obscene amounts of money.

    They’re much worse than regular people.

    Having money, fame or power causes changes in the human brain that reduces the ability to perform empathy. The rich are always at least a little more evil than normal people and if any one of us becomes rich, we’d also be a worse human.

    That said, humans fuck and sanctity of marriage is made up nonsense. To paraphrase principal Skinner: No, it’s the monogamy that’s wrong.

  • This is a story of one bootlicking employee who was in desperate need of fucking off and minding his own business:

    However, just as the movie started, an employee told them to put their snack bags away, the report said. They agreed but the employee apparently insisted on sitting next to them to monitor the snack situation.

    A few minutes later, one of the children popped a Skittle he was already holding into his mouth, and quite frankly, all hell broke loose, the women said. The employee started shouting at them, and said that the police would be called unless they left. This is when the children started crying.

    “My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’

  • At my previous job their was a role where you just called insurance companies and asked them incredibly basic questions about what they planned to do for a patient with diagnosis X and plan Y. This information should be searchable in a document with a single correct answer, but insurance companies are too scummy for that to be reliable.

    In 2021 we started using a robot that sounded like a human to call instead. It could handle the ~80%+ of calls that don’t use any critical thinking. At a guess, that’s maybe 5-10% of our division’s workforce that wasn’t needed anymore.

    With the amount of jobs like this that are 100% bullshit, I’m sure there are plenty of other cases where businesses can save money by buying an automated bullshit generator, instead of hiring a breathing bullshit generator.