I remember that part in the 7th guest
I remember that part in the 7th guest
Still scared me
I read that as parents at first.
It would 100% be set up for livefire and over engineered. they FIND CRAZY SHIT UNDER EVERY ROCK. they are always in there drunk off their asses firing off borg weapons and doin lines.
They have a literal firing range on the ship.
Kind of sort of? It’s exclusive to that watch for one thing which is pretty damn limiting. But it doesn’t have like The kind of online features I dream about in a chao game. Like imagine the kindergarten from that but it’s completely online you drop it off in an online class with other peoples and it can learn from them as well or something like that.
YO when the fuck is somebody going to make a billion dollars by just copying the chaos then adding modern online shit.
I have monies.
I understand.
47 minutes.
I love him and the poison.
as someone from the 80’s I’m offended somehow.
Seriously what is this crap
Now touch the floof.
They prefer to be called the packlids.
I was the electronics guy at walmart and just…holy shit the kids buying laptops. A lot didn’t even know how to work the keyboard. They would touch a non touchscreen laptop then ask me ‘if it isn’t touch screen then how do you work it’. Thats just one of a million amazing questions I got.
I know a bit of it is…iono…location bias? Most kids who know computers are probably shopping online or microcenter or something but still.
How many add furcocks?
Sideways cat is my favorite