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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Heat is electromagnetic radiation - photons, sound is mechanical displacement - phonons.

    They mostly propagate the same due to being waves, in most other respects they are very different.

    Heat convection is an entirely separate process where heat radiation is aided by the movement of the surrounding medium. Where it would otherwise heat up it’s environment, convection keeps the environment from heating up. Compare coffee in a thermos (very little convection) to a cup you’re blowing on (significant convection); more air movement - more cooling.

    Also, destructive interference does not at all work like that.

    Maybe a more useful analogy could be that waves have like walking animations, where in part of the animation they go up, and in another part they go down. Destructive interference happens when a wave in its’ “up” phase crosses a wave in it’s “down”, meaning the resulting movement looks like nothing. The waves don’t however interact in any way, and will continue on their way and on their own animation cycles.

    The shifting and heating parts are technically true but require very specific circumstances, enough so that I’m more prone to believe it’s another misunderstanding of the physics behind this. But I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

  • It’s always worthwhile to learn new things!

    And programming is a tool, so it’s typically made to be clear how to use it, although of course people will differ on what needs to be clarified the most.

    My experience is that there’s way too much discussion in what tool to pick, it doesn’t matter that much and almost all of the common languages will allow you to do all the things. And even though some will be better adapted for certain applications, it’s easy to pick up the new tool when relevant, and you’ll be that much ahead by being well versed in one.

    As for how to learn, I find that you kind of need to figure out the basic syntax in each language (loops, conditionals, output, memory management, typology, lists, function calling, maybe classes/libraries if you’re fancy), and then start doing projects.

    A nice intro for C# is the C# Player’s Guide by R B Whitaker, using some gamification and storytelling to get you through the basics, and even leave you prepared to tackle your first projects (by practicing design philosophy, how to break down projects, etc).

    Otherwise, Python is a lot of fun, it’s made to be very easy to jump into, and then it’s fully featured to do anything you’d like it to. Unfortunately all my resources for it are in my local language, but it has many many users so I’m sure there’s great resources to be found in your own language.

  • Thanks for linking!

    But lol, that is such an obviously biased report with vague eyebrow waving suggestions that immigrants are to blame for everything.

    None of the charts or trends they present are consistent in their effect, haven’t controlled for anything (the major point is lowered GDP per capita while immigration spiked five years ago, but the Brexit drop started well before then, and the exodus of specialist EU-migrants isn’t even mentioned), and don’t actually say anything except look at this red line next to a thing getting worse.

    CPS is why you should view every “Think tank” as a lobbyist organisation, and their materials as sales flyers…

  • Wow, this is a useless editorial.

    No link to the report, unclear if the report takes into account years since migration (it takes time to learn language, develop networks, and climb ladders), some indication that the trouble is that migrants end up in low paying jobs (which of course would decrease GDP), and no comment on the fairly obvious question on what the integration policy says about time frames.

    Also, it puts all of the post-Brexit decline at the door of the immigrants, which seems ridiculous.

    This reads like a hit piece from conservatives in preparation for election season.

  • I will add my voice to the chorus, real life isn’t a cartoon where good people are morally, ethically and physically in the right. Real people and real situations have layers, and are rooted in fundamentally human wants, needs and limitations.

    I get that if you’re a brand, and living only in a symbolic sense, you might want to distance yourself from symbols that don’t align. But us humans, actually having experienced reality, should know that some or even most actions aren’t perfectly informed, selflessly good from every perspective, for all of time.

    And frankly, I think wanting and needing that unambiguity is dangerous as you’re dehumanising people and disempowering yourself from reflecting upon behavior and setting proper boundaries. That, and/or a sign of considerable stress (compare with black & white thinking or catastrophic thinking).

    People can be flawed and make awesome contributions. The theory of gravity is good, useful, and a significant discovery forming the basis of much of industrial and modern society, even though it was made possible only by colonialism and systematic oppression.

    Socrates/Plato made astounding work contributing to the development of every field of knowledge, despite being weirdo homeless hermits before forming a cult.

    Be inspired by the greatness in people, not the flaws.

  • Consent.

    You might be fine with having erotic materials made of your likeness, and maybe even of your partners, parents, and children. But shouldn’t they have right not to be objectified as wank material?

    I partly agree with you though, it’s interesting that making an image is so much more troubling than having a fantasy of them. My thinking is that it is external, real, and thus more permanent even if it wouldn’t be saved, lost, hacked, sold, used for defamation and/or just shared.