I make things: electronics and software and music and stories and all sorts of other things.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • There’s no reason btrfs shouldn’t work for every use case.

    That said I think the slight performance gains of ext4 over btrfs make it worth sticking to ext4 for games. Imo it’s similar to as if you had you main system on an HDD but ran games off of an SSD; that’s how much faster it feels.

    I would install games to a separate ext4 partition but steam to btrfs (for configs) in that case.

  • I would really prefer native if there is the opportunity

    I prefer native apps too, but I’ll still use websites and some electron apps, and I’ll still use applications built in C#, Java, Python, etc. None of those are really native either. Proton is analogous to a virtual environment for running an interpreter. Potentially, it’s slower and has issues a la Python, but if the program can work, then I don’t care about the theoretical problems; it works despite them. So I think it’s fine.

    If it means more games for Linux and a standard that developers can target, encouraging them to “support Linux,” then that’s a win I think. Like I said in another comment, a studio can buy a steam deck, throw the same Windows export on it, and then have someone run through the same set of tests they’d normally go through. If it works there, it’ll work on most Linux machines. Having a standard API is not a bad thing imo

  • The way I like to think about it is that Proton essentially provides a standard, stable API across both Windows and Linux for gaming (Win32). We typically talk about it as a translation layer, and it is, but also to some degree it’s also “here’s an implementation of Win32 for Linux.”

    If game devs can, say, buy a steam deck and know their game works on it, that means it’s gonna work on other steam decks and probably most Linux machines. It’s making it easy for devs to test and develop for Linux, even if it’s not really “on Linux.” Copy the Windows files to the steam deck, run your release checklist, and you’re good to go.

  • Here’s how I think it works

    In formal language, what it means to accept a verification means does the result fall into the list of acceptable values.

    Consider adding two 2-bit numbers:

    • Alphabet: { 0, 1}
    • Language: x x consists of four binary digits representing two 2-bit binary numbers where the result of adding these two numbers is a valid 2-bit binary number (i.e. falls between 00 and 11)
    • Then you have an automata that will:
      • Start from the rightmost bit
      • Add the corresponding bits (+ carry from any previous iterations)
      • Carry over to the left if needed
      • Repeat for both bits
      • Check for acceptance
    • Machine as a whole simply checks did the inputs produce a valid 2-bit number, so it just accepts or rejects

    The machine itself simply holds this automata and language, so all it does is take input and reject/accept end state. I think you’re just getting caught up in definitions

    A sum of a list of numbers I think would be something like

    • Alphabet: digits 0-9 and ‘,’
    • Language: a single string of digits or a single string of digits followed by a comma and another valid string
    • Automata:
      • Are we a single string of digits? If yes, accept
      • Sum the last number into the first and remove the comma
      • Repeat
    • Machine: Does the some operation result in a valid string?

    Machines accept a valid state or hit an error state (accept/reject). The computation happens between the input and accept/reject.

    But maybe I don’t understand it either. It’s been a while since I poked around at this stuff.