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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023


  • With streaming you can watch what you want and not the “ehh, there’s nothing else on” shows. Studios are still making those low effort, watch because you have to if you want to watch anything at all shows, and maybe it’s a feeling of not being in a target audience but they are mostly that these days. Maybe even more so than before, because the studios now don’t have a reasonable expectation that people are just gonna watch it because it is on.

    They have a pseudo incentive to produce a higher amount of cheap lazy garbage to flood the market with something, anything, that might grab attention and become a hit, whereupon they might invest more into it. They’ve really been lowering the bar, over and over, and as the bar lowers more and more people aren’t stupid enough to follow along and just watch whatever. Why watch modern garbage when there are yesteryear classics that were made with passion, at least enough to veneer over the ever-present profit incentive.

  • I just started using it today after seeing a comment on it, it may have been yours and it seems fantastic, I took a look at their demo searches and it reminded me of old google while still keeping elements from new google I find useful, and being able to disable or disable any feature I want is amazing.

    I haven’t dug in too deep on making my own lenses yet, since they had some very sensible defaults (I mean seriously they have a default lemmy/fediverse lens) but that feature seems incredibly cool and useful if I want to set up something to easily search a variety of niche, focused websites on a subject I want to search on a regular basis.

    I was worried about it not featuring conversions/math stuff but prepared to use WolframAlpha for that, but it included them, the only thing is oddly after providing the answer to my test math query of 88+17 it showed search results from the quran and the bible lol. But I suppose that was just a minor oddity.

  • no… that’s not sufficient. There’s a new me that was not me that is now me, yes, but the original me is gone. Story ended from my point of view, from the new me’s point of view it was all fine but they will end in the next transport.

    If it can be undeniably proven exactly the same as sleeping or anesthesia, fine. If consciousness provably persists all the way from de-materialization, transport, and re-materialization, like Lt. Barkley. fine. But if there is any doubt that consciousness ends, and a new consciousness is created, that is where the problem lies, and why many, like McCoy, won’t use one willingly.

  • But moving costs money, switching to linux costs nothing (if you have free cloud storage or a second drive to backup and migrate important data, even then you could get one of those for cheap or free depending on your needs), and with how linux is these days there are distros that are as plug and play as windows for basic tasks that most people do, and a welcoming community and infinite resources to make learning curves small if you want to take on something more advanced. Further than that Linux can be more friendly, allowing easy configuration and GUIs to do things that would require “hacking” to do on windows or third party bloated applications.

    I’m on a more advanced distro, but it’s basically easy-mode arch skipping the technical set up stage, and honestly it is not hard to pick up at all, if I did what I did on windows my experience would be roughly the same except I designed my own task bar set up and my PC has been running quieter and more efficiently, everything past that is me tailoring my experience past what a normal user would do.

    I tried linux a decade ago and it was sluggish in the UI and didn’t have support for a lot of things but these days it feels 99% to what windows is for me with some extras. It’s time to switch for people on the fence, especially with the rapid enshittification of things.

  • Just jumped to linux after a long time of windows, I was very surprised to see my games running better at higher settings through proton. it’s been at least a decade since I’ve used linux and played native tux games. I’m fed up with corpos and I like having full control of everything on my computer. There’s only 1 program I use that I’m not sure will run properly but I haven’t made attempts to get wine up yet cause it’s just been a few days. That said… feels really good to be using EndeavorOS.