Look, it’s really hard to win against Skynet, they made a bunch of movies about it.
Look, it’s really hard to win against Skynet, they made a bunch of movies about it.
I gotta admit, I don’t know my trek as well as most of you. Might have seen this as a kid but looking at the non porn Unification, Stephen Root AND Leonard Nimoy? I might have to watch this and uhhh, any full length unedited sequels, authorized or not.
I already think WAAAAAAGH too often and too quickly.
The writing is very of its time but for all his flaws, Joss Whedon has a knack for funny dialogue. I think the earlier commenter did much better justice to the show than I could though.
I know Principal Flutie would have said, ‘Kids need understanding. Kids are human beings.’ That’s the kind of woolly-headed, liberal thinking that leads to being eaten.
Probably my favourite principal Snyder quote.
Which leads to the juvenile but hugely entertaining question of “best/worst thing to yell while climaxing and trying to impregnate someone.”
Personally, I’m torn between the simple “For the Emperor!” and “DakkaDakka!”
I mean, it probably would’ve been ideal then but as usual, America was recovering from/embroiled in the last Conservative disasters (financial crisis, Afghanistan/Iraq.) And Obama had just burned a lot of political capital giving people healthcare.
Ha, that was my favourite bit by a long shot.
My regular stream site started having issues tonight, so this was kind of miraculous timing! Hopefully one of these works!
Awesome, much appreciated!
So say I’m dumb and don’t know how to find a fork like that…
I cancelled prime when they first introduced ads. But the delivery fees without prime, damn. I think I’d pirate shows if I got prime but I’m pretty sure that just makes them think they should invest in fewer shows. And damned if, pre ads, prime didn’t have a lot of my favourites (boys, invincible, end of the expanse etc.)
What a ramble. I’m just torn.
You’re welcome!
That’s the point of the song! (The sarcasm might translate better if you listen or watch?) Apologies if you’re just restating the song’s message!
Fair, I play more RPGs and whatnot where a knife takes 4 years to injure someone. (Though, a bad sword can take just as long because, I dunno, it’s too dull to chop through this peasant’s leather tunic? Goddamnit Ultima.)
I’d like to think it’s just because online skews young. I remember (with some shame) my stupid teenage anarchist days. Though I do worry that if I had, as so many do nowadays, ensconced myself only in views with which I agreed, maybe I wouldn’t have grown out of it. The more smart people you meet, disagree with and learn from, well, the bigger and more interesting your world becomes.
I love the idea of Lemmy but goddamn, a good chunk of our userbase need to grow up and I’m not sure they ever will.
The guy had a knife, which might have injured one of the cops, maybe.
Holy damn, this has got to be the worst take I’ve read all day/week.
I know in video games, a knife generally doesn’t do much damage but… Just… Wow.
Go outside.
If it wasn’t for insane ideas they’d have to say the cops were maybe not wildly in the wrong here so insanity it is!
“Look, we said full self driving. We didn’t say good full self driving.”