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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Yeah the quality of care and health outcomes among rich countries is pretty much the same across the board. Each country has specific areas they’re particularly good or bad in, but overall health outcomes are pretty much the same, including the US. We just wildly over pay for healthcare because we’ve defined our consumer to be individuals, which means they have no bargaining power. Normally this wouldn’t be too big of a problem if the industry had heavy price regulation, but we also don’t have that. If we switched to M4A, the consumer would become Medicare and bargaining power would go through the roof.

  • Yeah that’s been an anticipated problem, since home solar is essentially a lost customer for the utility, but infrastructure maintenance costs don’t change. Honestly the power grid shouldn’t be a commercial enterprise, even if it’s under shit tons of regulation. It’s so absurdly critical to society we should have nationalized the power companies a long time ago.

  • See here’s where this analogy is perfect. Sometimes a bicycle is the best solution, just like how sometimes a microcontroller is the best solution. You use the tool you need for the job, and American product design is creating way too many “smart” products just like how American town planning demands too many cars. Bring back the microcontroller! Bring back the bike!

  • I say again. The defense budget nor any other current spending is preventing us from having free healthcare. Medicare for All would be significantly cheaper than our current healthcare costs. We’re already paying for both defense and healthcare. Switching to M4A would save us money and improve our healthcare experience while completely ignoring the defense budget. We can easily do both. The insurance companies, big pharma, and hospital executives are the ones preventing M4A, not Raytheon.