• 17 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • About a year ago I was saying how I wanted Winamp to come back. Then they tried coming back, but making their old player open source. But they totally didn’t grasp the concept of open source. The whole thing blew up when people took the source code and…get this…forked it! gasp!

    Still to this day, I don’t see how Winamp didn’t see that coming. Well it turns out, their source code had dependancies that THEY didn’t even have authorization to use. So they tried asking everyone to not fork their source code, but also, here it is, please be good boys!

    Now some people swear that Winamp are just idiots. Other people swear that they HAD to know that would happen. Like it was deliberate.

    Whereas I believe that the most simple explanation more often than not is the right explanation. So if they WERE that dumb, let’s take a look at the implications of that. That would mean that there were executives up top who got word that people would like an open source product. These executives would have to have had ZERO understanding of what that meant. At all. And I like to think if they had somebody on their payroll who relayed the message that open source was being requested, that the messenger at the very least, could have informed them of what that means. This implies that NOT AS SINGLE PERSON ON STAFF STOOD UP AND SAID “HEY, WHOA! WHAT ARE WE DOING???”

    So that doesn’t seem too simple. That seems like a stretch.

    Well then the other option is that it WAS deliberate, and that they knew exactly what they were doing. One problem is, I don’t know what they were doing. If this was deliberate, what’s the end goal here? You get people to fork a source code and find dependencies that you don’t have the rights to distribute. Which then in turn opens YOU up to a legal vulnerability if Microsoft decides they want to be assholes. Then, on top of this, you start threatening legal suits against ANYONE who forked your code. I’m not getting the intention here. No matter how this plays out, it already feels like a stretch to say this was intentional.

    So, if it wasn’t them being blundering idiots, and it wasn’t them deliberately doing this…what the fuck DID happen?

    My only takeaway is that I no longer want anything to do with winamp. It really just seems like the Chernobyl of audio players at this point.

  • Right??? Grab your NES cartridge, and make sure to grab the one that you borrowed from your friend last week. Throw them in your bookbag, and pedal your bike while your mom has no real way of knowing where you are. Sure you SAY you’re going to Jimmys house, but it’s not like you have a GPS tracker. And even if you did, how would your mom follow that that tracker? Go to the FBI and use their super computers??? Maybe you’d like her to ask for the nuke launch codes while she’s there. Just be back home before the street lights come on, or dad’s beating your ass!

    Ah, the 80s. What a magical time. A magical time of AIDS epidemics, wars on drugs causes by and fought by the government, toxic toys not being recalled, and everybody being too dumb to care.

    Nowadays, kids don’t even HAVE bikes! You throw your kids into a strangers car, call it uber, and use technology the 1980s government would have dreamed of having to make sure your kid goes to that little shit Jimmys house.

    Everytime I remember the world I grew up in, and then look around at the world I’m in, I feel like I’m missing a big piece of what happened. These two worlds don’t line up. Like when I see old photos of my dad, from the 60s, I say “Yep, that sure looks like what my dad would look like if he were young”. But when I look at the 80s, I think “that sure seems like a totally unrelated society. One in which absolutely did NOT age into this world…”

    I don’t understand life.

  • Man…I just spent a month cooking chicken, and freezing it. My freezer is FULL of frozen chicken in ziplock baggies. I’d buy 6 packs of chicken, which have 4-5 pieces each. I’d cook 1 pack a night for a week, and on my off day go buy 6 more packs for next week.

    Then I’d throw them in the freezer individually in ziplocks.

    I work Sunday-Thrusday. So on Friday, I pull 5 chickens down to the fridge to thaw, and that’s ready by sunday. Then every day I just grab 1 chicken to bring to work. Aldis also sell lunch meats, but they have reusable containers. So I bought these condiment cups with sealable lids, fill each of them with BBQ sauce. Put the chicken still frozen in the ziplock into the former lunchmeats tupperware. Then put the bbq sauce up in. Seal the tupperware, and stack them 5 high like that. Then Sunday before work, I just reach in, grab one tub, and throw it in my bag. My bag also has some fruit, and some little snacks inside another lunchmeats tupperware. Just grab 2 tubs. throw them in my bag, and it’s ready for me.



  • What are you eating that is costing more than $50 a week? You buy a loaf of bread. $3. 3 or 4 packs of lunch meats. Call it $12. Pack of cheese singles. $3. So you’re up to $18. You now have sandwiches for every lunch this week. Now buy 1 pack of chicken, varies between 10 and 12 dollars for 4-5 chicken breasts. Let’s call it $11 for 4. That’s $29. Grab a box of cereal. Call that $3. Up to $32. Grab a pack of porkchops. Usually 4 in a pack for about $10. $42. Grab 2 bottles of pasta sauce, $8. And a pack of spagetti for $3. Now grab a bag of potatoes, call that $6. And a bag of oranges, or a bag of apples. $6. Grand total $65, and I even went overboard. That’s like a week and a half, but I’m also assuming your kitchen is totally empty. Otherwise, you might only need 1 bottle of pasta sauce. You might already have half a bag of fruit left from last week. You might still have half a box of cereal left. I also said a LOT of lunch meat for 1 week.

    On top of that, I bought meals for every meal. I don’t eat 3 meals a day. I eat 1. Sometimes 2. Today I’ve had 0, and I am hungry, but it’s also bedtime within an hour. So I’m just going to wait until I wake up.