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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I believe there was originally a line of dialogue about there being resistance when they pushed through objects, which was supposed to explain why they don’t just fall. That line was cut, but IIRC it is still referenced indirectly when Geordi’s hand gets zapped and he says that there was more resistance to pushing through stuff afterwards.

    That wouldn’t explain why there is enough resistance in the floor to stand and walk, but not enough resistance in walls to prevent them from easily passing through. Presumably their mass and the pull of gravity are unchanged, so the resistance would have to be enough to counteract their weight. And even if they did weigh less, they still propel themselves forward through walls by pushing off the floor, so either the floor needs to be more solid, or they should be nearly weightless and move by paddling their feet through the floor until they build up momentum enough to smash through a wall. Also, if they are applying pressure to objects they pass through, shouldn’t people they touch feel it?

    Personally, I’d probably explain the floors specifically being impassable by blaming it on the way the artificial gravity is generated.

    I don’t have a good explanation for how they can breathe, how they see without interacting with light, how they can hear clearly when matter isn’t really touching them and therefore can’t conduct sound, etc.

  • This is one of the big things that killed Amazon for me. They used to have a great search and filter function that was designed to make it as easy as possible to find what you were looking for. Now it’s designed to find things that are related to your search and ignore your filters when sellers pay them to promote their product. Combined with the fake reviews and the ocean of low quality trash that fills 95% of their inventory, it’s now actually easier to drive to a store and search shelves manually than it is to sit and click.

    And don’t get me started on AI generated “reviews” that are just reworded marketing material with affiliate links. It used to be that google could get you some relatively reliable sources, but most of those have long since replaced real reviews with this bullshit. At this point, I just assume every review is a lie unless I see a video of a human testing the product while taking about it.

    I honestly think that anyone who is making money by misleading consumers with product reviews that aren’t actually based on some interaction with the product should be in prison for fraud.

  • In Star Trek she frequently had small roles because she did stunt work. Most of her characters die.

    In Babylon 5, she was always intended to be part of the main cast. The role was actually written for her specifically. It was only because of executive meddling that her character was replaced after the pilot.

    That’s why she feels like a main character even before she gets a spot in the opening credits. Her character is filling a vital role in the story, one that was always meant to be there. There’s none of the awkwardness that comes with shoehorning in a new character and trying to make them fit like you get with the early Sheridan episodes, or basically all of Ezri on DS9.

  • Also, without Conroy, rest in peace, it wouldn’t be the same.

    While Conroy is my favorite Batman, there have been other good versions and I’d be open to a different one. The real obstacle would be getting Disney and to a lesser extent DC and Warner Bros. on board.

    If Batman has time to prep, no contest.

    If Xanatos just comes at Batman directly and overtly, sure. But Xanatos isn’t some bankrobber, mob boss or assassin, he’s a mastermind whose schemes are so brilliant that his name is synonymous with plans that end in victory no matter what happens. He’s also a billionaire, industrialist, scientist, martial artist, and even dabbles in magic. He’s essentially a villainous Bruce Wayne, only instead of becoming a ninja he did more of an Iron Man thing. And most importantly, as the villain, Xanatos almost certainly gets to be the one with time to prepare. He gets to be the one who initiates the plot, while Batman has to react and figure out that Xanatos is the bad guy.

    Here’s my pitch:

    I would assume the plot would involve Xanatos trying to do business with Wayne Enterprises, maybe a joint research project. He sends the pack into Wayne enterprises facility to steal a prototype that he actually has access to already. While their security is compromised Coyote hides a tiny robot disguised as a mundane item (remaining dormant until it’s needed), then ditches the others who all get captured and sent to Arkham. Xanatos then comes to Gotham to assess the damage and evaluate the impact on the project, where he meets with Bruce Wayne.

    While those two are wearing their poker faces and sizing each other up, the pack is getting messages from Coyote who has them relaying offers from their employer to inmates like Clayface, Mr Freeze, the Madhatter and Bane (people who have unique abilities or technology, and who want something Xanatos can offer). This will eventually lead to them staging a riot and breaking out, which I think should go wrong when Poison Ivy ensnares, oh, let’s say Jackal with her mind control pheromones.

    I would be happy to just have Batman vs Xanatos. but if you want to do a full crossover, you could have Elisa come to Gotham because of the pack and needing to testify because New York is trying to extradite them. The gargoyles come along because they suspect Elisa will be in danger, and because they assume Xanatos is behind it. But they can’t prove anything and Elisa can’t just go around making accusations. This does however allow her to interact with Commissioner Gordon, Bullock etc. which could be fun. She could also interrogate Bruce about the break in, which could also be interesting since she probably assumes the worst about him. You could also have gargoyles fighting escaped Batman villains, could be a lot fun. Really just squeeze in as many fun character interactions as you can.

    You could have Batman go after a sighting of a winged creature that he assumes is Man-Bat, only to end up picking a fight with the gargoyles. That could be a pretty awesome fight, though it does rely on a misunderstanding which is not great, and I would rather not have them just tell Batman that Xanatos is the bad guy since he’s a detective and I want him to at least suspect Xanatos on his own.

    Eventually you could build up to a climax where Coyote’s remote robot has broken through Wayne Enterprise’s security and is wreaking havoc on their systems. Batman figures out that Xanatos is behind everything, and Xanatos maybe figures out that Bruce Wayne is Batman (or at least that he’s working with him). Cue an epic final battle with Xanatos now upgrading his arsenal with freeze rays, mind control devices and whatever other acquired tech he can bring to the fight. Of course Batman will win, but it will be a hell of a fight.

    And if Xanatos has taken Madhatter mind control tech, I have to think he’s going to have a conveniently broken mind control device on under his helmet. That way, even if Batman beats him, he has reasonable doubt on his side. But while Xanatos gets to walk away as a free man, some helpful citizen gives Elisa a stack of internal memos and financial documents that show that there’s a lot of shady bookkeeping going on to pay for those toys Xanatos is using, which should be enough to get the feds to put his whole business under a microscope and make his life a living hell for years. I’d actually love it if Batman hired Clayface away from Xanatos and had him deliver the documents disguised as Owen, conveniently getting caught on camera handing over the files and saying that if anyone asks he’ll deny he gave them anything.

  • Recently rewatched the series, it absolutely holds up as an adult. There’s a few weaker moments here and there, but the average episode is very solid and has excellent writing, and the big event episodes are among the best things I’ve ever seen on TV. There’s a lot of depth to the characters, all of whom are very enjoyable and they are not afraid to go surprisingly dark.

    Just remember that the third season doesn’t exist. It was made by different people and IIRC they people writing episodes that hadn’t even seen the show.