Yes, you moved to Canada to get away from the US. And yea, a bit.
Yes, you moved to Canada to get away from the US. And yea, a bit.
There’s only one of you and you do not seem like a general to me, just a pissed woman.
It’s not but it is for society to be strong and work well just as it men’s duty to make sure women are doing well too. Seems to me you wanna break the societal contract because you’re a sexist feminist.
Congrats, I hope that works well for you. Sure you left the US shitshow but if you think Canada isn’t one too just wait. Everywhere has shit, humans shit, it’s nature.
Yeah don’t put effort where it isn’t reciprocated that’s a bad deal for men too.
Then you get Trump…. See what I mean? Oof.
No the plan is for you to get that you are a part of society and have a civic duty to treat your people well, that almost half of society is men, and you seem to think it’s okay to discount them. It’s not okay.
I was gonna say no at first but you know what? Yes, in regards to not treating them like shit or passively discriminating against them is your civic duty to ‘fix’ them and keep them from being awful like it is men’s duty to look out women.
Furthermore to be abundantly fucking clear because for some reason not a lot of women get this or think this what I mean, I am not saying go fuck incels, I’m saying what goes around comes around and the more you disempower and shit on men the more extreme the reaction against you will be.
We can’t even start fucking public online groups without some feminist trying to shut them down while y’all are circlejerking about hating men. That’s a big problem.
Yes but that’s not what that was about. It’s like I was trying to warn them, if you don’t treat men better the men will find a way to be treated better with or without your support and if they don’t have you to support them and keep them from their worst selves they may just choose to fuck everything up. History repeats itself.
For real. Transparency makes this work much better than otherwise.
Could last a while with unity but yes.
I will never forget 2013 when Putin refused to sign an international agreement saying we won’t use AI in weapons and the rest of the world was on board with it.
I used to have three accounts to manage groupings of subreddits until I was banned for racism for asking lib women to treat white dudes better so an Arab spring like incident doesn’t happen before Trump won.
The day I saw Trump win I knew Reddit was going on the chopping block but even then, it’s been going downhill since 2016 with bots, bot mods, and language policing. Merely saying ‘fucking Luigi’ is a ban worthy offense and it’s absolutely asinine.
Fair but if they did a random Japanese samurai and not Yasuke this would’ve gone over a lot better for them. This aside, until Ubisoft expresses gamers should own games I won’t buy or play any Ubisoft titles on principle and I don’t think anyone else should either. That the people who’d play this anyway and defend Ubisoft are just supporting a company whose death would benefit all gamers.
Then why Yasuke and not Musashi or someone who was more interesting and significant to Japanese history? They couldn’t have chosen a more DEI Samurai.
That said, putting it that way does feel more racist than I like even though it’s a funny way to put it.
It is and I’d like to thank Ubisoft for that.
Not just AC 3. Eivor is Norwegian. Arno is French. Ezio is Italian. Bayek is Egyptian. Literally none of these MCs are well known historical figures until Yasuke. I can go on. All of them are either natives or local enough to fit in the setting.
I don’t disagree it’d be interesting to have a Yasuke game but the concept doesn’t fit AC like it would in a sequel to ghost of Tsushima or a Samurai Champloo game. It feels unnatural and forced to use him in AC because he’s a foreigner in Japan. It’s a dumb choice not the smart one more than anything else. Like if in the last AC we played Eivor as the apprentice to Bayek in Baghdad not just played Bayek. If the Samurai was white I’d complain about that too just to have an excuse to shit on Ubisoft for being anti consumer.
Also to be very fucking clear, this attack is not racially motivated. It’s motivated by the fact I am a gamer with a stupid amount of hours into this hobby and I have been treated as a cash cow to be put out to slaughter by this particular game company. That when I buy a game I should own it and it should work. That an update shouldn’t be able to delete full screen mode from the menu just to invalidate enhancement mods and push sales of a fucking remake.
I would agree that my outrage is misplaced if I didn’t see most people as cowards unwilling to take down bad companies for the greater good because they trade independence and privacy for convenience and money.
Then why is Yasuke the only AC character I have issue with and not the other popular non white assassins like Altair, Bayek, Aya, or Basim?
Fuck off creeper.
Because I want Ubisoft done with I am tired of hearing their cries.
Yes, if you really wanna go there Ubisoft does deserve shit for putting a black man in a Japanese creed when every other AC game featured historically unknown natives to the lands (main characters, not the overall cast) they were in and having him fuck the empress is incredibly disrespectful to Japan. Not to mention it’s a bit weird and specific that Ubisoft keeps including the fantasy of cucking the king in their games.
This wouldn’t matter if Ubisoft wasn’t so disrespectful and shitty. Playing Yasuke in a samurai game is an interesting premise but making that an AC game feels wrong and so does letting him fuck the empress. Ubisoft choose to be edgy and disrespectful instead of good and with this game and their reputation is only getting worse.
I’m neither and you’re slandering me now.
My bad for misreading that. You aren’t wrong there. I’m telling them to look out for their communities, learn useful wartime skills, and to make friends. Being sweet doesn’t save you from tyranny, strength does.
I don’t like Kentucky but damn do they have good state motto.