Unlocking the golden door was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in video games.
Unlocking the golden door was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in video games.
Man this pots brought back some memories. The minis cup was my first “real” game on my Gameboy.
To add to what the other commenter has added. All characters in dialogue are frozen in place and poeple not in dialogue can manipulate them or their surrounding and they can’t react to any of it.
Divinity original sin is from the same developers as Baldurs Gate and is an absolute banger. Given that the coop Aspekt in dialogues is the absolute same. But the games main focus is IMO the combat which is purely incredible and the build diversity is superb. Also synergies between different players and build is highly encouraged since classes differ greatly in their abilities.
Thank you for the correction. The alters is indeed not out yet.
In my opinion for the other I doesn’t matter whether they are just publishing or actually developing. The games are not bar but apparently don’t sell well. Maybe their not the greatest at marketing but I enjoy the vibes they are going for
Ok guys valid points from everyone here. But who here has bought the latest 11bit Studios games? And I’m not talking about Frostpunk 2. I’m taking about Indika, The alters (not out yet, my bad) , The Traumathurge, Creatures of Ava ,… all of these games seemed like really cool things to me, sadly I could not afford them.
I 100% trust this guy. He’s just a incredibly genuine guy who wanted to help and has done an incredible amount of work. So happy he got the award.
Yeah Core keeper was really cool. Hope this one is equally beautiful
Yeah so far Hazelight is only getting better and better
Yeah I can see that, but currently that’s not a viable line in my career to take
How has noone mentioned Powerwash Simulator yet. There is no pressure (pun not intended), you just walk around dirty scenes and start cleaning them. The amount of satisfaction this produces is incredible. This is mostly because the dirt is actually fairly accurate and washing does not feel like brushing dirt of where the only options is 100% dirt or 0% dirt. All of the intermediates and the complex geometry of the objects makes cleaning a really chilling experience.
That’s really freaking cool. I’ll keep an eye on this one
I still smile whenever I stumble upon these pages of my college block
Because people like the game and like reading about it.
The circle of stars VFX looks already so good…
I’ll Gladly check it out when I’m home. Hopefully the reception here is mature.
It also has a demo for everyone to try out
I’ve never played Xenoblade but it was such a pleasure to ruin my YouTube algorithm with Xenoblade shit posting vids
Thank you for the answer. I think I’ll check the game out.
How does he just announce crunch when everyone in the community is pushing for this abuse of workers to stop. Guess because he’s just the biggest egomaniac in this industry