• 7 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • Divinity original sin is from the same developers as Baldurs Gate and is an absolute banger. Given that the coop Aspekt in dialogues is the absolute same. But the games main focus is IMO the combat which is purely incredible and the build diversity is superb. Also synergies between different players and build is highly encouraged since classes differ greatly in their abilities.

  • How has noone mentioned Powerwash Simulator yet. There is no pressure (pun not intended), you just walk around dirty scenes and start cleaning them. The amount of satisfaction this produces is incredible. This is mostly because the dirt is actually fairly accurate and washing does not feel like brushing dirt of where the only options is 100% dirt or 0% dirt. All of the intermediates and the complex geometry of the objects makes cleaning a really chilling experience.