If anything reverse engineering is more permissible in the USA than many other places, IIRC
If anything reverse engineering is more permissible in the USA than many other places, IIRC
I don’t think heterosexuals are persecuted anywhere, that’s not a valid equivalence. Not that I find the idea of making porn to prove your sexual orientation morally fine.
If you know their name, they are probably a celebrity. That’s kind of the definition
GDPR applies regardless of where headquarters are located
Oh we got a bunch of leeches in Europe, Ireland is not the only one
It is easily provable that there is an infinite number of prime numbers.
Except Michael in German is not pronounced with a “k” sound
Better have your info shared with one government, rather than have it shared with every government
Impressive how people misunderstand this stuff. You don’t open a research lab for technology transfer, kinda the opposite. This is Apple saying they don’t see the USA as the best place to do research. The tech is already transferred
What’s yours? This whole “pirates are also buyers” is just a cop-out, but sure your anecdotic experience is valid proof against the more logical alternative
That’s… Exactly why they would be anti union?
I’d say the opposite. Usually you barely get the requirements.txt, when you do you’re missing the versions (including for python itself), and then only must you find out The versions of cuda and cuda driver
“only white people condone genocide” is not racist?
“I’m going to keep throwing exorbitant amount of many to companies that refuse to stop supporting Microsoft’s monopoly, and then blame the OSS community for not doing their job for them. Look, I’m smart!”
Last I tried a keyboard and a mouse work just on every Linux distro out there. It’s OK to bend over for companies over some stuff you’re personally attached to (we all do it to some degree) but you can go fuck yourself with your offensive comments about distro maintainers, who have nothing to do with your problem.
And often you still have actual developers reimplementing this shit because EE majors don’t understand dereferencing null pointers is bad
I’m hoping federation will allow me to get rid of my github entirely, but that’s wishful thinking I fear
Isn’t civ a game about colonisation? If the stuff you described is offending to some, the whole game already is to them.
ICEs are doing all of that shit now too. The truth is ICEs are fucking overpriced and manufacturers didn’t want to lose money.
Maybe they should have actually made a point then
You offended a bunch of Germans here. Don’t forget the Americans are sitting in Germany mostly to bomb Syrian kids though, they’re not defending Europe from anything.