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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • This is exactly why I always tell myself it’ll be super fun and easy to replace a Linux distro on one of my machines, and I do the fun part of balancing release style, desktop environment, all the shiny stuff…know what stops me dead in my tracks upon install?

    Deciding a file system. Because it feels like such a weighty decision with far-reaching effects.

    According to internet research, they’re all the right one, they’re all the wrong one, they’re all just fine, and don’t use any of them because they’ll wipe all your data. Lol

    Your documentation on file system choice is either anecdotal or engineering-masters-thesis, seemingly no in-between.

    I’ve just decided BTRFS with snapshots is great, and keep good enough backups that I shouldn’t have to fiddle with the fanciest deep-knowledge features to save my system.

    Might be my ADHD as well. XD

  • Sheesh, FOSS licenses really are the only force in the universe that can stop this nonsense.

    I remember shelling out for Substance indie licenses thinking it would be a good investment. Shortly after they’re:

    • part of the “adobe family” (yaaay! /s)
    • Not gonna make it subscription only, c’mon guys. It’s ok.
    • No seriously, we hear you, you’ll have options! Definitely!
    • Newsletter: Ok we’re subscription only, “Get your keys for the super out of date version because we’re just deleting it from human history now.”
    • SaaS cloud only and you’re gonna like it, peasant.

    Never trusting private software like that ever again.

  • EXACTLY. High-five!

    That’s what I worry about. Right now we can ignore social media somewhat, but if Ai gets wedged into contracts with government/infrastructure and other unavoidable daily life, I imagine that’s where a plausible threat could come from.

    I’ve no doubt such things are already in the works. Ai controlled traffic lights or something, for instance. Obviously the military and law enforcement are already giddy about it, of course.

    Giving a stupid machine a seemingly simple goal to pursue and the wrong set of keys could lead to disasterous consequences, I think. We also have the whole “Do Ai cars protect the driver or all human life even if it risks the driver?” Debate.

    “But it’s trendy, it’s the future! And there’s so much venture capital involved, how lucrative!” Seems to be how major decisions are made these days.

    I don’t see it some day “waking up” and thinking “I feel like humans are unnecessary.” It’s scarier than that…it will see us as just another variable to control and “maximize” us out of the picture.

  • As a whole, we tend to be garbage and materialistic…

    This might be one way to see it. I think a lot of people WANT to resist, but resistance costs a lot of mental and sometimes tangible energy. If you can smooth out a lifestyle that naturally excludes stupid brands like Roku, great.

    But there’s a point when you want to participate in the rest of society, and people will break down for that. I do my best to avoid walmart, amazon, and other abusive tech companies, and educate others to do the same.

    But someone still gifted my mom-in-law one of those stupid “alexa” spheres that I immediately put on its own V-LAN, and the family wanted a TV so they brought home a TCL/Roku because it’s what they could afford. (It was a good value at the time, years ago.) PiHole showed me exactly why it was so cheap.

    Companies know after all the stresses you already encounter in your adult life, you’re gonna run out of bandwidth and cave eventually, because you’re human, and the path of least resistance becomes more tantalizing. That’s why they bombard you relentlessly, and evil tech is the most immediately accessible and familiar.

  • I still love the concept of floppy diskettes. Sure, some of this is nostalgia, but what if you had something like super fast solid state memory encased in a nice solid shell like that? Sure, sure, like a USB drive…but the contacts could be protected with the little slidy-shield bit and nobody could accidentally snag the USB sticking out and damage it and the port.

    I think I just really miss the “kaCHUNK” of inserting physical solid media, and flipping through stacks of them…maybe not so much the capacity or read speeds :)

  • No kidding. Or how we just got used to Morrowind’s erm…“unique” hit system and weapons actually collided in Oblivion, with real physics!

    And I still remember that trailer shot of walking down the hallway with the traps and casting a fireball while still holding a sword. It was such a crazy feature update!

    “Close shut the jaws…OF OBLIVION”

    And…yeah…today’s game industry is more “How can we make Ai enhanced 24k textures so the game is a 1.5 TB install, but streamline it so entire armor sets are a single item and we remove half the skills from previous titles.”

    I really liked Skyrim, but definitely disagreed with how “opinionated” the games got about how you were supposed to play them…

  • Someone mentioned EndeavourOS. Really enjoy it for sure but it’s still Arch at heart for better and worse. You can follow a simple guide to install it with BTRFS and get system snapshots though! :)

    On my main 3D art rig I’m using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed for years and loving it. Great sane security defaults, up to date packages, but they go through a bit of testing so for a rolling release it’s shockingly stable. I actually quite enjoy Zypper.

    If something borks? A rollback option is right there in GRUB.

    Steam works just fine and I’d also recommend (on any distro) Heroic Launcher for your non-Steam stuff. Especially since GoG seems to not care much about us penguin people much at all. -_-

    If you use KDE, both distros are going through some minor growing pains with Wayland at the moment, but it’s getting much better very quickly. X11 is still an option, of course.

    I run Endeavour on my laptop and OpenSUSE on my desktop…and…you might wanna be sitting down for this:

    …Both have Nvidia.

    It could be better but it’s a million times better than it used to be! Installs straight from repo. Only little issues I really have are Wayland-related.