Monstanner 🐧

German Let’s Player / Streamer. 🕹️GNU/Linux🐧& Fediverse 🦣🐁 📷 🔁 Enthusiast. Break the Windows and Gates. There is a bad Face behind the Musk.

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2021


  • To name a few: AssaultCube, Battle for Wesnoth, Cube2: Sauerbraten, FligthGear, Freeciv, Freeciv21, Nexuiz Classic, OpenArena, OpenHV, OpenRA, OpenTTD, Remnants of the Precursors, SpeeDreams, Stone Kingdom, SuperTux, SuperTuxKart, Unciv, Urban Terror, Veloren, Warozone 2100, Widelands, Xonotic

    P.S. It may be that not all of them are FOSS, but they run natively on linux.