The fact that most universities will graduate CS majors without ever teaching them how to use a debugger, build system, or version control system shows how useful they are to actual engineering work.
The fact that most universities will graduate CS majors without ever teaching them how to use a debugger, build system, or version control system shows how useful they are to actual engineering work.
I don’t understand how this is getting approved.
Because you get promoted for changing things, not for keeping things the same. Almost every change like this is motivated by someone trying to get promoted.
“Right to work” refers to the fact that in those states, unions cannot force membership or payment, or force you to participate in labor strikes. You can still have a union in those states, but it’s very difficult for them to be effective because most people will choose not to pay into it, and strikes have significantly less bargaining power if there’s no legal obligation for union members to follow through with a strike.
The result is that in such states, there are very few unions, and so very few protections against firing workers for arbitrary reasons.
Unpopular opinion - I completely agree. In terms of cost per entertainment-hour, video games are by far the best value compared to similar media.
If you pay with your CC and sign the receipt after seeing the total, you’re going to have a very hard time getting it removed.
Textures have been the biggest size contributor by far for a while.
Removed by mod
Are you certain it’s actually safe? There was a recent attack in which multiple Steam publisher accounts were hijacked to spread malware.
When you’re listening on a shitty bluetooth speaker or earbuds it really doesn’t matter.
As someone who has designed and used telemetry systems, I’ll never quite understand the strong aversion some people have to them. Telemetry is what lets me tell my boss “yes people really do use our software this way and we can’t break it” or “90% of crashes happen right after the player uses a grenade”. And despite what some conspiracy theorists would have you believe, telemetry data for software from reputable companies does not get sold or used for marketing purposes. Our lawyers make sure of it, and also make us go through privacy reviews to make sure that data isn’t leaking PII.
When SETI decides to stop blasting your videos into deep space.
Not really a problem with UDP itself, but with some very old protocols like DNS that rely on UDP but can’t be changed because of compatibility. If you’re writing a new service that uses UDP, there’s nothing stopping you from designing it so that it doesn’t provide an opportunity for bandwidth amplification.