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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023

  • If you got rid of timezones, you’d still end up creating it in all but name since the vast majority of business will be occurring during daytime hours around the world. For example, an office in Tokyo sending emails to their NYC office at 0800 UTC (currently 0400 EDT in NYC) wouldn’t end up getting answered for at least 3-4 hours when those employees started logging in. In other words, people would still be doing calculations in their heads to know when business hours are in that region, essentially recreating timezones.

    Not necessarily. In Teams, it shows the user’s specific hours they work as well as the time difference (this person is 2 hours behind you). All it would need is to remove the time difference and just display the time they work.

    A person in Japan would just put in their signature or it would be in the application that they work from 0400 to 1200 while you still work 0800 to 1600 and you’d have your answer.

  • Speaking as someone else who had a 7900XTX, this was sort of common. It’s just that a lot of game devs aren’t designing their games and apps with anything AMD (maybe Intel too) GPU related. The market is mostly Nvidia so that’s what their games are looking for when it tries to search up compatibility.

    Most of the time, it’s just that they don’t officially support it but it still runs without any issue. Since their game is looking for “Nvidia” but sees “AMD”, it’s assuming you aren’t using a compatible GPU. Even more so because Alyx came out in 2020(?) and the 7900XTX came out in late 2022 so the game really doesn’t know that this GPU exists.

    The game/app runs without any issue. The game just doesn’t have this specific card to check for a quick compatibility and throws this error as a “just in case”.

    There were some rare times where the game/app legitimately did not run. The Oculus app was one of these. VR worked perfect fine through SteamVR but never with the Oculus app since that app was designed for Nvidia GPUs.

  • I’m really hoping so. I feel bad for players with the older headsets. It didn’t inspire confidence in me as a Quest 2 owner and it made me rethink an upgrade to a newer headset. I may be in the minority, but I like keeping older hardware/consoles as long as I can even if it comes at a cost to performance. I’d rather be the judge of when I need something better.

    I’m wondering how and why they made those changes after leaning more into open source and with third party headsets set to release soon.

  • Speaking as a Quest 2 owner, most games on there feel overpriced. Combine that with how Meta treats older hardware and you can safely guess that many players are probably not feeling confident buying games on that storefront anymore.

    Meta recently made developers not allow new updates or installs for older headsets which effectively locks games you paid for away from you being able to play them unless you buy a newer Meta headset.

    Conversely, you buy it on Steam where the prices don’t seem to be nearly as much in some cases too, and you can use it with nearly any PC VR headset and they don’t limit it only to newer headsets. Games I buy on Steam feel like mine and I actually have long term access to them. The Meta store’s versions feel like a long term rental situation, as long as I keep buying the newer headsets which is not feasible.

    The only benefits of buying on the Meta store is that it can be taken on the go and doesn’t require a PC to play.

  • Sony could have required retailers to do things like limit items per customer or not sell it at all. Sony could have made an actual attempt to sell directly to consumers. They supposedly had a program for that and even that didn’t let me buy a console from them. All they had to do was limit 1 to people who had existing PSN accounts for X amount of time and they weren’t even willing to do that. I’ve had my one and only PSN account since the early PS3 days and had every console up to the PS5, including the handhelds and many accessories. Paying fans like me should have been their top priority to sell to since they sell consoles at a loss and hope to make up the difference in games and accessories we buy for said console.

    They had plenty of power to prevent or reduce it from happening and they didn’t do a damn thing. Hell yeah I’m swearing off the PS5 for that experience. Fuck them.

    Plus, this PC building experience was legitimately fun and PC gaming is a much better way to go in many ways. Sony did me a favor realizing this and people like me won’t be coming back for the PS6 either.

  • I had GamePass for a few years and just canceled last month. I barely used it anymore except for Minecraft and Halo Infinite and don’t play those anymore. I might even own Minecraft and have forgotten.

    But then I signed back up for Nintendo Online because my girlfriend and her son just got Switches and we play Animal Crossing together. But it’s not as much as GamePass so not that big of a deal.

    But I’m sick of subscriptions for shit I don’t even use. Everything nowadays has to be a subscription for no reason. Nintendo doesn’t even provide anything of valuable for theirs since I can’t even talk over it. I’m just paying for what used to be free on their past consoles.

  • Do they want a cookie for barely doing the bare minimum gamers are asking of them?

    And, at least on PC, technically Ghost Recon Wildlands can be played offline, but the fucking piece of shit will sometimes not launch if I don’t have internet despite it being years old in my library and me putting in hundreds of hours into the game. It’s that shitty, cheap Steam rip off Ubisoft Connect launcher that just needs to fucking die already that is one of the ways they get around the “oh this game doesn’t need an active internet connection…but it’s unnecessary launcher does!…”

  • NoneYa@lemm.eetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.world"Features"
    2 months ago

    For anyone wondering, there are tools out there that will help you debloat Windows 10 and 11 and remove things like these obnoxious ads in the Start Menu. I did this last year on Windows 11 and even after countless updates, the debloating has remained. The tool I used also had an option to permanently “pause” Windows Updates too, but I didn’t choose that for the sake of security updates.

    It’s terrible what Microsoft has done to the OS, overall, but for those of us who have to use it (and have control over the computer), we have this as an option to make the experience a little better, at least.

    I can’t remember the exact tool I used but I highly recommend it for anyone dealing with this. There are many tools that will do this that are available and can be found by just Googling Windows debloater tool.