• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nonprofits can “own” for-profits.

    One of the saner reasons for this structure is that the non-profit owns the things the for-profit works on. If the for-profit goes under, all things are still owned by the non-profit, so some large tech company can’t swoop in and yoink anything available.

    This includes any and all data generated by the for-profit, which means your data is “safe”.

  • weird dude who writes raw HTML

    Eyy, that’s me! Good excercise to learn actual HTML, instead of directly trying to jump into <insert random JS framework> and getting confused on what’s what.

    Anyway, I ended up switching to Hugo as a static site generator, because it was too damn hard to keep all my <header>, <nav> and <main> aligned for all my HTML files.

    Now I can just write a markdown file as an article, or switch back to raw HTML if I so need (like rewriting Alan Turing’s paper " On computable numbers" in HTML because I can’t use TTS on the PDFs I found; I still haven’t finished writing it, because I am now reading E. F. Codd’s papers on the Relational Model, which is pretty wild how we already figured that shit out in the 1970s!)

  • Here’s what I remember from Haskell (around 2018):

    I love the language, but hate the tooling.

    Used it for Uni (did a minor where I learned Haskell, recursion, parsing and regex - probably the most information dense part of school I’ve ever had. Half a year of minor also burned me out, so I never went for my masters; I’m OK with my Bachelors :D ), but never felt like picking it back up.

  • Learning HTML syntax is the simple part. The tedious part is learning which tags already exist, and which tags goes in which other tag (and which attributes they may (not) contain).

    For that, always, ALWAYS go to the official HTML spec: WHATWG HTML.

    HTML has not been maintained by WC3 (though they still do maintain CSS) and has been a “living standard” since HTML5 (2009-ish, IIRC).

    I’ve read through the entire spec (using TTS, because only reading is boring) and learned a TON, because writing React straight out of the gate, without learning the HTML fundamentals first is a HUUUUGE pain.
