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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • That line about competent bastards is running right through the Tory party at the moment.

    Saatchi - former party chairman and the guy who came up with “labour isn’t working” has been saying the same thing.

    It’s interesting that their response to this is always “we should be more competent” and never “we should stop being bastards”.

  • I mean the big problem is how the labour party will whip.

    PR is a significant issue, that changes how much power a party will have in the future. If PR goes through, it’s quite likely that no party will ever have enough MPs to rule without support of another party. It’s also likely to lead to the larger parties splitting into different factions. Because of this, the labour leadership are going to have strong opinions about it, and if they don’t support it, they will probably force their MPs to oppose it by using the party whips.

    There’s one thing it will do, and that’s decrease legitimacy of the current system. If Labour get a supermajority and end up with 70% of the seats on 45% of the vote, it makes it very obvious that first past the post isn’t working. With that and what’s likely to be every other party calling for voting reform, it does make a cross party consensus on voting reform more likely.

  • There’s basically a hierarchy in political decision making.

    1. Doing things that are good for the country.
    2. Doing things that voters want.
    3. Doing things your party wants.

    1 should be the reason you get into politics in the first place because you want to make the world a better place. 2 is also super important, we live in a democracy and if you don’t give people some of what they want you’re not doing your job. 3 is basically day to day politicking. You throw red meat to members of the party so they continue to support you.

    The Tory party is now so up their own arses that they only do 3 in the hope that they won’t tear themselves apart. This is some random anti-woke bullshit, that will mean it’s harder to catch and prevent child abuse, and kids can’t learn basic biology. And it doesn’t even appeal to what’s left of their fanbase.

  • I changed companies and we all use teams now.

    But none of that stuff helped when I did use it.

    The problem was I was in AWS and needed to be subscribed to hundreds of channels. So when I needed to find something, I’d have to click through maybe 20 different channels all with similar names to find it. At that point the back button is useless.

    Thumbs up is good for telling a person you’ve seen something. It doesn’t help the rest of the team know this, unless they like to go back and read old messages.

    I mean the real take home message is “don’t work for Aws”. Slack just made some of the dysfunction worse, it didn’t create it.

  • Honestly, most of what Cambridge analytica did was blackmail, illegal spending, and collusion between campaigns that were legally required to be separate.

    Much of the data processing/ml was intended as a smoke screen to distract from the big stuff that was known to work and consequently legislated against. The problem is that they were so incompetent that the distraction technique was also illegal.

    Maybe the machine learning also worked, but it’s really not clear.