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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I don’t understand the comments suggesting this is “guilty by proxy”. These platforms have algorithms designed to keep you engaged and through their callousness, have allowed extremist content to remain visible.

    Are we going to ignore all the anti-vaxxer groups who fueled vaccine hesitancy which resulted in long dead diseases making a resurgence?

    To call Facebook anything less than complicit in the rise of extremist ideologies and conspiratorial beliefs, is extremely short-sighted.

    “But Freedom of Speech!”

    If that speech causes harm like convincing a teenager walking into a grocery store and gunning people down is a good idea, you don’t deserve to have that speech. Sorry, you’ve violated the social contract and those people’s blood is on your hands.

  • The aspect that’s getting lost in all this is that the curator has basically put up a hit list of games for people to review bomb just for associating with a company. The curator has no evidence on the level of involvement SBI had with the game but they don’t recommend the game based on them being involved at all.

    They have taken something small and weaponised it so now it’s harming game devs. No one has any evidence on how SBI were involved with any of the games they’ve listed on their website beyond vague mentions of “narrative” or “character development”.

    The worst part is, I’m not even surprised by this.

  • The comment I replied to suggested the opposite, that whatever decisions Apple makes, Android follows behind which isn’t the case in reality.

    I understand your point though. It’s weird that people who use iPhones have this mentality that iPhones are at the forefront of innovation. I know some people who are aware that Apple is behind but the phone does what they require of it so they have no need to ask more.