They would find out that I’m a violent and dangerous criminal with bipolar disorder.
Chris Hansen enters the room: “go ahead and have a seat”
Mediacom is even more hated than Comcast and rebranded to Xtreme.
I never understood the appeal of Twitter.
Per Wikipedia
Most of Chrome’s source code comes from Google’s free and open-source software project Chromium, but Chrome is licensed as proprietary freeware.[15] WebKit was the original rendering engine, but Google eventually forked it to create the Blink engine;[18] all Chrome variants except iOS used Blink as of 2017.[
Just looking at their website makes me not want to use it because it doesn’t give any details as to what it actually is.
Yeah, I withheld using an app until very recently for that exact feature. I miss the browser for other features though, not sure what to do. I’m using connect, maybe I’ll try a couple others or some other solution.
Use one of the apps so you can filter out content. “Trump, Trump’s, Republicans, Musk” seems to take care of the problem so far.I think I have some communities blocked and maybe a user or two aswell.
They should make it open source
That sounds fucking pathetic.
I don’t really understand how it’s a lavish lifestyle if you have to hang out with a bunch of politicians and business people all the time. That sounds like pure hell to me. Like you’re going to hang out with the vice president of East Coast sales for some manufacturing company or some shit, no thanks.
Yeah, but I don’t really care what other people think of me, so I don’t feel the need to have to have a ton of money just to impress other people. Though having more money is always helpful just to make things easier in life. I’d be much happier if I didn’t have to worry about paying for things like healthcare and education.
I guess they just want to be in charge for no other reason? Not really sure what their game is, but they’ll follow the money to get elected and then do what their donors wanted them to do. Then??? I’m not really understanding what they have to gain other than insider information.
They got a lot of hate when they were available. I like it, I even have the official storage case for mine.
Can’t file a patent on something that someone else already made.
Buildapcsales gamedeals boardgamedeals etc. it was nice when they still have Api access because you could track prices.
In reality this is just them playing along, if anyone were to do anything drastic to these companies they would have a very bad time.
why did they arrest her?
It’s Georgia