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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • My 30’s was the most amazing time of my life. I had just spent ten years in the army, gotten deployed for what felt like most of it, and unceremoniously honorable discharged due to force reduction.

    I didn’t know what to do, had a job I hated, and decided to just go to bars and crash at a buddy’s place who agreed to let me live there for free as a house sitter.

    It was so many years of debauchery because I was in great shape, had some hope left for the world, and didn’t care because I was no longer in a shitty deployment.

  • A lot of people forget what the 90’s was like. You could call someone a f** and people just laughed. It was part of the high school insult compendium.

    Anti-gay was strong. People laughed openly at Matthew Shepard getting killed. “Shouldn’t have came onto them! I would beat up a (gay) should they ever come onto me!” I remember kids getting violently beaten in the gym locker room for being meat gazers, and the school just told the victim how this needs to stay quiet or else everyone will know your little son is gay. I went to a fairly large high school in a slightly blue city, and this was just how it was. There was no acceptance of trans because no one dared come out as trans, they saw how gay people were treated.

    I am glad the zeitgeist has shifted and people can be themselves. As one of those old millennials, I honestly don’t understand trans, but I want them to be who they are and be happy. Cannot imagine being in a body where your gender feels wrong, it sounds like a daily pain. If you are reading this and are trans, there are cis people who accept you for who you are and would listen to everything you need to say.