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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • No, because that’s not an infectious disease like a virus or bacteria. It’s an allergy your body develops to a specific carbohydrate (alpha gal) found in pretty much all mamallian meat except apes/humans. A specific chemical in the lone star tick saliva triggers it, so you just need to get bit. There’s no virus or bacteria to vaccinate against.


    There is a canine vaccine for lyme disease (different tick species). Human vaccine used to exist but was pulled from market, might be a new one soon though. There are unfortunately other diseases besides lyme disease though that ticks can carry, including rocket mountain spotted fever and anaplasmosis. And while lone star ticks (the meat allergy ones), don’t tend to transmit lyme disease, they can transmit other diseases, unrelated to the meat allergy issues.

  • That the eye can only perceive 24 fps is a myth. Plus vision perception is very complicated with many different processes, and your eyes and brain don’t strictly perceive things in frames per second. 24 fps is a relatively arbitrary number picked by the early movie industry, to make sure it would stay a good amount above 16 fps (below this you lose the persistence of motion illusion) without wasting too much more film, and is just a nice easily divisible number. The difference between higher frame rates is quite obvious. Just go grab any older pc game to make sure you can get a high frame rate, then cap it to not go higher to 24 after that, and the difference is night and day. Tons of people complaining about how much they hated the look of Hobbit movie with its 48 fps film can attest to this as well. You certainly do start to get some diminishing returns the higher fps you get though. Movies can be shot to deliberately avoid quick camera movements and other things that wouldn’t do well at 24 fps, but video games don’t always have that luxury. For an rpg or something sure 30 fps is probably fine. But fighting, action, racing, anything with a lot of movement or especially quick movements of the camera starts to feel pretty bad at 30 compared to 60.

  • From the applications section of the Wikipedia article on quantum entanglement:

    Entanglement has many applications in quantum information theory. With the aid of entanglement, otherwise impossible tasks may be achieved.

    Among the best-known applications of entanglement are superdense coding and quantum teleportation.[85]

    Most researchers believe that entanglement is necessary to realize quantum computing (although this is disputed by some).[86]

    Entanglement is used in some protocols of quantum cryptography,[87][88] but to prove the security of quantum key distribution (QKD) under standard assumptions does not require entanglement.[89] However, the device independent security of QKD is shown exploiting entanglement between the communication partners.[90]

    A lot of Sci Fi and other popular media likes to misconstrue quantum entanglement as allowing for faster than light communication so that they can have faster than light communication in their story, often for narrative purposes to make their galaxy spanning epic possible on a human time scale. But as far as we know, faster than light communication is impossible. It doesn’t mean quantum entanglement is useless or not an important scientific finding though.

  • This is bizarre, I looked and Rochester Minnesota has multiple high speed providers, including two that offer fiber.

    And the isp you have is a wireless isp that doesn’t even list Rochester as within its coverage area, they’re intended to serve more rural areas west of the city. On their map it gets close to but not quite in Rochester, but maybe they’re still able to access it (slowly) since it’s a wireless provider.

    I’m guessing this is a whoever owns your Airbnb problem rather than a Rochester Minnesota problem. I don’t understand why they would be paying for this rather than use any of the readily available high speed options there.

  • To add to this, most gpu reviews will now have two sets of benchmarks, one with ray tracing and one without. You can see the gap in raytracing performance at each price point narrowing considerably over the years as amd catches up. It also narrows further at higher resolutions (since the price equivalent amd options tend to have higher raw performance and more memory which becomes increasingly important at higher resolutions). Right now all else being equal at most price points you’ll see amd with a lead in non raytracing performance, and Nvidia with a lead in ray tracing performance. In addition to considering target resolution, which card is winning out can also be very variable per game, so if you have a particular game in mind, would see if there is a benchmark for that game so you would know what to expect with different cards and see what makes the most sense with your targeted performance, budget, and priorities.

    And to clarify for OP, when I say raytracing performance, I mean the fps with raytracing turned on. Visually it will appear the same in each particular game no matter what gpu you’re using, since it’s the game that implements the ray tracing. The one exception I know of in terms of actual quality right now is “ray reconstruction”, a part of dlss, that will only work on Nvidia chips, and that they claim improves the noise between individual rays better than traditional de noisiers through use of AI. Theoretically there should be other ways to reduce noise at a performance cost too, so in the end it does come down to performance and game by game implementation again. Not a lot of games with this right now, I think cyber punk, portal 1, and control.

    Especially since I use vr sometimes, I tend to favor the raw power at the price point more to get the best resolutions and frame rates. If you’re favoring just a great picture at lower resolutions like 1080p there starts to be diminishing returns (is 180 fps really a better experience than 120 fps?) in favoring non ray tracing performance, maybe making a less raw performance Nvidia card even more of a consideration if you feel the non raytracing performance is good enough. And then if money is no object of course, Nvidia has the best performing gpu overall in all aspects at the extreme high price end (4090), with no equivalent amd option at that level.

    Also dlss vs fsr needs to be considered. Fsr being not as far along as dlss. This would be more important at the lower end though (except in the case of ray reconstruction), higher end gpus likely won’t need to rely on these technologies to achieve good fps with current games. Hopefully fsr continues to improve and become a more widespread option. Amd is also working on fluid motion frames at the driver level, which may allow a similar effect to fsr 3 even if not implemented specifically by the game.