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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Why does it matter to me? I’ve made it clear that popular opinion no longer influences me because I sacrifice every voting round to elect the Neoliberal option that keeps the devil at bay. I’m not asking even for my candidate to win, but for concessions that matter to the lowest earners in America.

    Withholding votes has long been a clear declaration that those looking to build a bloc need to do more than point at the other team and say: “You’re electing that.”

    It’s not enough any more. I can’t keep voting your way because you need me to so absolutely desperately that you’re willing to do everything except give me what I’m asking for.

    Why do you keep thinking that you can just bully me into voting your way?

  • You’re also not taking into account subscription price hikes, policies dictating what you can and can’t do with the software, media availability without internet, surveillance and data selling.

    Netflix has doubled their fees in the last ten years while hemorrhaging beloved content to other streaming services.

    Netflix and others dictate that you’re not allowed to siphon the shows and movies to watch later, at a time and place that may be inconvenient for the service (such as removing it).

    Go anywhere without internet and suddenly all of your paid options don’t exist. That may be resolved one day by unlimited internet everywhere, but that leads into…

    These streaming services will know where you are and what you’re doing all the time. Surveillance in general has only gotten worse, and watchdogs may be vigilant but it’s not blunting how much privacy is being stripped away from you on a regular basis.

    The price you’re paying isn’t just dollars and it’s not locked in forever.

  • I never mentioned age. I mentioned games that are played for thousands of hours. Meaning that the value of those games far exceeds the value of the subscription. Furthermore, then the subscription ends (including when pulling games that are too old) and you are left without the game you have been sinking an incredible amount of time into just because some suits determined that not enough people play X game to warrant providing server space.